(a) To coordinate activities and oversee the operation of the RA V Aircraft Meteorological Data Relay (AMDAR) Programme under the WMO-IATA Collaborative AMDAR Programme (WICAP). In particular, to consolidate and maintain annually, 1) regional requirements for AMDAR data provision, and 2) regional developmental and operational plans for the RA V AMDAR Programme, to be resourced by RA V Members; (b) To collaborate with the WMO Joint Expert Team on Aircraft-Based Observing Systems (JET-ABO), the WICAP Governing Board, the International Air Transport Association (IATA), regional airlines and national civil aviation authorities on the development and monitoring of programmes to deliver ABO and AMDAR data on the WMO Global Telecommunication System (GTS); (c) To assist designated regional centres in the process of developing and maintaining data-processing and quality monitoring systems for ABO; (d) To support technical training, workshops, promotion and outreach on ABO, targeting both RA V Members and the aviation transport industry; (e) To consult with data users and applications areas to determine and promote regional requirements for ABO; (f) To coordinate with relevant INFCOM subsidiary bodies and provide advice to the Working Group on Infrastructure on the above issues.