Health | WHO-WMO SERCOM Integrated Health Study Group | Activities
2023 State of Climate Services Report: Health

2022 WMO State of Climate Services Report
Climate Services for Health Fundamentals and Case Studies
The call is now closed. Selected case studies will be published in the report and on
Priority Activities in 2022-23
To draft the WHO-WMO Implementation Plan 2023-2033 including clarified and new mechanisms for delivery and implementation of climate science and services for health, with input from regional consultations.
To organize Regional Consultations engaging the WMO Integrated Health Focal Points, and identifying region-specific needs, priorities and opportunities.
To publish the Conceptual Framework for Integrated Climate and Health Science and Services.
To enhance coordination of extreme heat across WMO to support upscaling of Heat Health Warning System guidance and implementation, including recommendations on next steps for the Global Heat Health Information Network (GHHIN).
Series of Virtual Regional Consultations
- Bring together the WMO Integrated Health Focal Points to share key highlights of climate-health activities, connect with other regional Focal Points, and identify sustained mechanisms of engagement in each region
- Discuss and define key regional needs, priorities and opportunities for Integrated Health Science and Services - as regional inputs for the 2023-33 Implementation Plan
- Key output from each Consultation: identify 3-5 concrete steps for strengthening Climate Science and Services for Health Practice

Integrated Health Focal Points at national and regional level are critical implementing partners for advancing Integrated Health Information Services.
Origin: Resolution 33 of Cg-18 on Integrated Health Services, requested all Members of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), the Regional Specialized Meteorological Centres (RSMCs) and the Regional Climate Centres (RCCs) to nominate Focal Points for health-related research and services.
Integrated Health Focal Points
- serve as the entry point of contact for the institution on matters of health, to be shared, as appropriate, with the World Health Organization (WHO) and health partners; as appropriate, facilitate coordination and cooperation between the NMHS or regional entity and the health community and other relevant actors
- help identify appropriate national and regional experts with demonstrated experience in research or operational support on health relevant issues, such as research and services for extreme heat and cold, air quality (fire, pollution, sand and dust, allergens), infectious diseases, food security and water resources
- help identify needs and opportunities: to co-design with the health community, products and services to effectively support public health, and to strengthen the capacities of health-relevant integrated information service providers and users

World Map highlighting countries with WMO Integrated Health Focal Points nominations
Region III & IV - The Americas
26 October 2021
Health Focal Point Introductions
Region I - Africa
5 May 2022
Health Focal Point Introductions
Region VI - Europe
7 June 2022
Health Focal Point Introductions
Region II & V - Asia-Pacific
Planned for late Summer 2022
Hybrid Study Group Meeting in Geneva
10-12 May 2022

1. Review High-level goals of Joint WHO-WMO Climate, Environment, and Health Work Plan
2. Discuss Regional Consultations and regional needs
3. Outline and Frame Draft the “10yr implementation plan for integrated climate and health science and services”, and identify any TORs for accompanying proposed new mechanisms
4. Draft and discuss additional SERCOM documents in development:
a. Extreme Heat, Health, and Society
b. Infectious Disease Monitoring and Prediction
c. Health and Climate data requirements
d. Conceptual Framework & Good Practices document
5. Present and discuss additional Activities
a. ClimaHealth Portal
b. State of Climate Services Report 2023