Hellen Msemo

Hellen Msemo

Scientific Officer

Hellen Msemo is a Scientific Officer in the World Weather Research Programme at WMO. She is from Tanzania. She worked with the Tanzania Meteorology Authority (TMA) and later the University of Leeds as a researcher.

Hellen is an interdisciplinary researcher with research experience in both physical and social sciences. Her research expertise covers weather and climate forecasting, impact-based severe weather warnings, and verification, public weather services, socioeconomic benefits of weather and climate information for climate sensitive sectors such as agriculture, water, health, energy, and disaster risk reduction (DRR), User Engagement, and Co-production.

As a researcher who has worked for a National Weather Service and the University of Leeds, she is familiar with operational activities and has experience in moving research to operations.

Hellen’s responsibilities for the WWRP include supporting the WWRP core projects: - URBAN Project, Early Warning for Southern Africa (EWSA), Nowcasting and Mesoscale Research, Aviation Research Development Project (AvRDP) and the activities of the WWRP Working Groups. Supporting the WMO's Early Warning for All initiative, she also liaises with WCRP and GAW on identifying relevant projects.

