Instructions & Info for Translators

Agenda items: translation

Always refer to the agenda of a session (doc 01) to translate agenda items. This document is posted on the relevant session website. 

Comments by translators

Please do not insert any comments in the translated text. Send them via a separate file when returning your translation. The final file must be clean and publishing-ready. 


  • It is the responsibility of the translator to check and insert hyperlinks.
  • For constituent body documents, as of EC-73, the hyperlinks on decisions, resolutions or recommendations will lead to the exact page where the decisions, resolutions or recommendations appears in the report (PDF version), in each language. 


NEW PROCEDURE as of June 2024

  • In all versions of a publication, the hyperlinks to WMO publications should lead to the long notice of the publication as displayed on WMO e-Library. Use the permalink that you will find on the notice, at the bottom of the list of metadata (field called "Permalink"). Do not copy the URL of the address bar. 
  • If a publication is not translated in your language (your language is not displayed in the field "Other language(s)"), the English permalink should be used. 
  • If a publication is to be published in your language (your language is displayed in the field "Other language(s)") but is not yet available, the English permalink should be used.

Detailed guidelines on how to handle hyperlinks can be found here.


Please send your questions to LSU (lsu[@]wmo.intduring the translation process and not when returning the file. 

Titles of resolutions/recommendations/decisions/publications

Always check in the WMO library the official translation of:

- the titles of resolutions, recommendations or decisions available in the final reports;

- the titles of publications.