6th Meeting of the Expert Team on Radio-Frequency Coordination (26–28 February 2025)

6th Meeting of the Expert Team on Radio-Frequency Coordination (26–28 February 2025)

Date & Time

26–28 February 2025


WMO Regional Office for Asia and the South-West Pacific

36 Kim Chuan Road
Republic of Singapore


Meeting documents: ET-RFC Meeting 2025

0Organization of the meeting  
0.1Opening of the meeting

ET-RFC Chairs 

0.2Approval of the agenda 

Doc 0.2 - Chair 

0.3Working arrangements 

Doc 0.3 - Chair 

1Organization of the Expert Team on Radio Frequency Coordination 


1.1ET-RFC Membership

Doc 1.1 - Chair 

1.2ET-RFC Leads

Doc 1.2 - Secretariat

2Review of previous activities 


2.1ET-RFC-List of actions

Doc 2.1 – Secretariat

RFC2024.7 - Kirsty McBeath & Alec Casey

2.2Coordination with other organizations


2.2.1ITU-R study group activities relevant to ET-RFC interests

Doc 2.2.1 - Vadim Nozdrin 

2.2.2ET-RFC coordination with CGMS

Doc 2.2.2 - Markus Dreis 

2.2.3ET-RFC coordination with SFCG

Doc 2.2.3 - Bruno Espinosa

3WMO/ET-RFC preparation for the World Radiocommunication Conference 2027 (WRC-27)


3Preparation of the preliminary WMO Position Paper for WRC-27

Doc 3.0 - Template 

Doc 3.1 - Meteo-France, MeteoSwiss, Secretariat and UK MetOffice

Doc 3.2 - BoM

Doc 3.3 - merged

4.Frequency Matters of relevance to WMO beyond WRC Agenda Items

ET-RFC Leads & Members

4.1Applications in the meteorological aids service, including Space Weather applications

Kirsty McBeath

4.2Applications in the meteorological-satellite service

Doc 4.2 - Markus Dreis

4.3Space-borne remote sensing applications

Doc 4.3 - Alec Casey & Bruno Espinosa

4.4Issues related to weather radars and wind-profiler

Doc 4.4.1, Doc 4.4.2 - Eric Allaix

5Issues related to C-band weather radars using solid state technology


5Outcomes of the joint ITU-R WP5B/5A meeting on solid state weather radars and next steps

Doc 5 - HMEI

6Capacity Development


6Capacity Development

Doc 6 - Secretariat

7Handbook/Guide updates


7.1ITU-WMO Handbook on Use of Radio Spectrum for Meteorology

Doc 7.1 - Markus Dreis

7.2Revision of the Guide to Participation in Radio-frequency Coordination (WMO-No. 1159) 

Doc 7.2 (doc, ppt) - Secretariat

8Further activities (list of actions, next meetings, etc.) 


9Any other business


10Closure of the meeting 

ET-RFC Chair