CREWS/SWFP–Eastern Africa Training Workshop on Severe Weather and Impact-based Forecast and Warning Services (Entebbe, Uganda, 27 May - 6 June 2025)
The CREWS/SWFP–Eastern Africa Training Workshop on Severe Weather and Impact-based Forecast and Warning Services is to be organized in Entebbe, Uganda during 27 May - 6 June 2025. The training is supported through FINKERAT project & various CREWS fund projects including for East Africa, Horn of Africa and Djibouti. NMHSs of Burundi, Djibouti, Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda, Somalia, South Sudan, United Republic of Tanzania and Uganda are expected to attend the training workshop. In addition, representatives of stakeholder organizations and users (e.g., disaster management and civil protection authorities, media etc.) from the host country Uganda are also expected to participate in the second week of the workshop.
Quick Links
- Information Note for participants
- List of pre-requisite self-study online modules
- Training Program Week-1 (27-31 May 2025) (for operational forecasters only)
- Training Program Week-2 (2-6 June 2025) (for forecasters & representatives of stakeholders and users)
- Provisional list of participants
- Presentations
- SWFP web portal of RSMC Nairobi (for guidance & NWP product for whole Eastern Africa domain)
- SWFP web portal of RSMC Dar Es Salaam (for guidance & NWP product for Lake Victoria basin)
- SWFP-Eastern Africa