[ET-OCPS] Expert Team on Operational Climate Prediction System (17-19 Sept. 2024)

The third session of the WMO Commission for Observation, Infrastructure and Information Systems (INFCOM-3) was held in Geneva, Switzerland from 15 to 19 April 2024. At this session, INFCOM decided to establish the Standing Committee on the WMO Integrated Processing and Prediction System (SC-WIPPS) to address high priority tasks, including those aimed at supporting the Early Warnings for All initiative. These tasks will result in enhancing the predictability     in sub-seasonal to decadal climate prediction and better meeting user requirements on climate prediction and climate reanalysis. These have been outlined in a workplan of SC-WIPPS for 2024-2025 and will be undertaken by its subsidiary body, ET-OCPS.

ET-OCPS is responsible for scientific and technical coordination pertinent to climate prediction with the aim of further evolving the WMO Integrated Processing and Prediction System (WIPPS), including functions and products of relevant WIPPS Designated Centres. ET-OCPS will deliberate on and refine the workplan, breaking it down into action plans that emphasize the provision of newly adopted recommended climate products, and a demonstration plan for the WIPPS Rolling Review of User Requirements in climatology category, with associated timelines. ET-OCPS will also consider anticipated challenges, their mitigation measures, and the capabilities of each relevant WIPPS Designated Centre while conducting action plans. The discussions will also encompass two newly adopted WIPPS activities during INFCOM-3: global climate reanalysis and the coordination of assessment of multiple climate reanalysis, and designated centres.

The provisional meeting agenda can be found on the following link. Click here for the draft agenda.