ET-WTR Plenary Meeting

At the kind invitation of the Spanish Meteorological Service (Agencia Estatal de Meteorología (AEMET)), WMO is organizing the second plenary meeting of the Expert Team on WIGOS Tools and Regional WIGOS Centres (ET-WTR) in Santander, Spain, on 23 and 24 November 2023. This second plenary meeting of the ET-WTR will be the first hybrid meeting, after the restructuring of the team. 

The meeting will review and update the action plan of the Expert Team and those of subsidiary Task Teams and will discuss critical and urgent issues on which the team is expected to deliver, such as those related to the review and update of technical guidelines for the operation of the Regional WIGOS Centres, the operating status and evolution of WIGOS tools, the issues related to WIGOS versus WIS metadata, the implementation of Global Basic Observing Network (GBON) and Regional Basic Observing Networks (RBON), and the RWCs audit process, among others.

Draft agenda and information document on venue and logistics for the participants are available in the links below:

Draft Agenda for ET-WTR-2

Information note for participants