G3W Global Data Providers Workshop
The 78th Session of the WMO Executive Council (Resolution 3.2/1) approved Implementation plan for the Global Greenhouse Gas Watch in June 2024. In autumn 2024 the joint Advisory Group on Global Greenhouse Gas Watch and three Task Teams were formed to advance on the implementation of the plan. The priority activities were identified in the area of observations, modelling, and data. These activities are aimed at the integration of the respective elements of G3W in the WMO Information System (WIS) and WMO Integrated Processing and Prediction System (WIPPS).
Specification of the output products, global centers requirements, comparison protocols, data exchange requirements and data architecture are among the foundational tasks of G3W.
To advance with these tasks a dedicated G3W Global Data Providers Workshop (by invitation) will be organized in Geneva, Switzerland and online on 5-7 March 2025. Members of the Task Teams on G3W Modelling and G3W Data and a limited number of invited experts are the expected participants of this workshop.
The workshop will build on the preparatory work to be conducted by the Task Teams in January and February 2025. The workshop will combine a limited number of set-the-scene presentation with working sessions focused on the document’s discussion as well as roundtables and brainstorming sessions.
The topics addressed by the workshop included:
Detailed description/characteristics of the output of the G3W systems, requirements to the spatial and temporal resolution, requirements for the input data, comparison protocols and evaluation of the model performance
Requirements for the global centers that can deliver identified products and provisions for their integration in WIPPS
Identification of the data streams (input data, including observations and priors; data exchange for the models intercomparison and quality control, output data) and their characterization
Initial thinking about architecture and requirements for the data flow for the inclusion in WIS data exchange
If you need any other information, please feel free to contact G3W writing to bqu@wmo.int (Dr. Bin QU).
Agenda will be available soon
Logistics information
For more information about the travel, accommodation, and local transportation in Geneva, please click here.