The Global Atmosphere Watch (GAW) programme is turning 20 years in 2009. During this time GAW has gained broad acceptance as the global long term measurement, analysis and assessment programme for atmospheric chemistry. The importance of GAW is growing further as the scales from urban to regional to global are merging with recognition of the significance of air pollution and climate change interactions.
The GAW 2009 meeting was held in Geneva, 5-7 May 2009, and brought together the key players in the Global Atmosphere Watch (GAW) community and collaborating partners.

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GAW 2009 was organized to consist of the following:
Plenary with following provisional sessions
Perspectives on past, present and future GAW
Overview of activities (SAGs and Expert Groups)
Data exchange and delivery
Surface based observations (in situ and remote sensing)
Aircraft and satellite observations
International activities of relevance to GAW
Globalization of air pollution: implications for air quality and climate
Poster session
Working Groups on specific issues of importance for the future of GAW
As with the previous meetings (GAW 2001 and GAW 2005), GAW 2009 will include working groups to discuss selected issues. These could include such items as data flow: station needs; combining guidelines and procedures between different programmes and organizations; modelling activities in GAW; integration of ground-based aircraft, satellite and model data; emerging environmental issues important for consideration in GAW.