IG3IS Webinar Series (Q2-Q3, 2024)
Webinar dates and times
27.09.2024 | IG3IS Research Activity in Korea: From Eddy Covariance Measurement to Atmospheric Inversion
Jinkyu Hong, Professor, Department of Atmospheric Sciences, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea
09:00 CEST│00:30 PDT│07:00 UTC
Webinar Registration Link:
15.10.2024 | Observation-based emission verification in Germany - current achievements from the ITMS project
Andrea Kaiser-Weiss, Head of Unit Emission Verification Greenhouse Gases (KU22), Deutscher Wetterdienst (DWD), Germany
15:00 CEST│06:00 PDT│13:00 UTC
Webinar Registration Link:
27.11.2024 | Feasibility study of a MRV methane-oriented pilot project in Panamá and Dominican Republic
Marc Chiappero. General Manager, SUEZ.
13:30 CET│04:30 PST│12:30 UTC
Webinar Registration Link:
19.12.2024 | Support Carbon Neutral Goal with a High-resolution Carbon Monitoring System in Beijing
Pengfei Han, Associate Professor, Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China
Time: 09:00 CET│00:00 PST│08:00 UTC
Webinar Registration Link:
About IG3IS
Integrated Global Greenhouse Gas Information System (IG3IS) is a common framework that allows for combination of atmospheric observations and analysis tools to improve information on emissions and uptakes of greenhouse gases (GHGs) on decision relevant scales. The applications include national-scale emission evaluation as well as urban scale and sectoral solutions. Good practices for application at different scales and sectors are created by IG3IS community. Engagement of the user community in creation of products is essential. The outputs of IG3IS can be used to support national and smaller scale mitigation policies, help identify emission reduction opportunities and track the progress towards emission reductions goals.
Coordination of IG3IS activities and organization of this webinar series is supported by NASA under award N. 80NSSC23K1349