MedEWSa project - kick off meeting

The Bridging Communication Meeting, conducted on November 9-10, 2023, in Athens, marked a pivotal moment in launching the MedEWSa project under the guidance of Prof. Jürg Luterbacher, Director of the WMO Science and Innovation Department, who is also the WMO's Project Coordinator. 

Hosted by the Ministry of Digital Governance of Greece, the event not only served as a collaborative platform but also underscored the significant role played by the WMO Regional Office for Europe in steering the project's implementation.

The meeting structure featured four specialized groups led by experts in disaster risk knowledge, hazard monitoring, warning dissemination, and response capabilities, collectively aiming to align MedEWSa's scientific and techno-economic developments with the overarching goals of the WMO's EW4All Initiative.

European countries, particularly exposed to natural hazards, including extreme weather and climate events, necessitate effective coordinated preparedness and response mechanisms, aligning with the WMO Early Warning for All (EW4All) initiative.

The MedEWSa project, spanning from 2023-2027, endeavors to develop a connected system of Multi-Hazard Early Warning Systems (MHEWS) to enhance resilience and alleviate the impacts of such hazards.

The Twins breakout sessions on the second day emphasized the importance of technological exchange and interoperability among partners, recognizing the pivotal role played by the WMO Regional Office for Europe. An additional note highlighted the SEE-MHEWS as the MedEWSa sister project and outlined a session featuring Dr. Kornelia Radics, Director of the WMO Regional Office for Europe, and Mr Milan Dacic, Senior Officer of the WMO Regional Office  for Europe, discussing how SEE-MHEWS could interact with MedEWSa.

This event facilitated comprehensive discussions, reinforcing the integration of MedEWSa's goals with the broader vision of the EW4All Initiative, while also exploring synergies with SEE-MHEWS.

Read more of the Early warnings for all: Executive action plan 2023-2027 | PreventionWeb