Head title


WMO has hosted a workshop on 3-5 October 2023 on “Observations within the Global Greenhouse Gas Watch”. The purpose of this workshop was to develop guidance from and to Member countries and partner organizations regarding the comprehensive integrated observing system that would support the implementation of the Global Greenhouse Gas Watch (GGGW). The concept of this system was approved by the nineteenth World Meteorological Congress (Cg-19, 22 May-2 Jun 2023). 

To see some photos from the conference, please see the Flickr album

News from Media - WMO hosts workshop on Global Greenhouse Gas Watch observing system

The summary report on the workshop is available in the WMO library.

Agenda, Presentations & Posters are available HERE 

Guide for onsite registration: 

For the registration at WMO HQ, we kindly request you to present your ID for badge collection.

Our registration desk will open from 8:00 to 9:30 AM Tuesday, 3rd October. For those arriving later, we kindly ask you to pick up your badge at the security desk, presenting your valid ID.

If you encounter any registration issues for the workshop, please feel free to reach out to Bin Qu at bqu@wmo.int.

The topics addressed by the workshop include:

  • Taking stock of the existing observing systems for atmospheric, ocean and biosphere measurements of greenhouse gases and their fluxes from ground/earth surface and space,
  • Integration of observations from different platforms within each domain,
  • Integration of observations across Earth System domains,
  • Common approaches to Quality Assurance and Quality control including calibration and uncertainty characterization,
  • Metadata standards,
  • International data exchange (WIS 2.0 applicability),
  • Observational techniques for GHG in different domains and their suitability for scale-up,
  • Requirements of the modelling community regarding observations,
  • Pathways toward significantly improved global data coverage and potential technology development,
  • Ancillary observation/data for the global modelling and data assimilation systems,
  • Needs for capacity development in observations,
  • Sustainability of the observing system.

As the workshop will be taking place on the same dates as the Meteorological Technology World Expo (in Geneva), we plan to invite GHG instrument producers for specific discussion sessions.

The expected outcomes of the workshop are recommendations regarding the design of the integrated observing system in support of GGGW, gap analysis of the existing capabilities and recommendations on the ways to leverage those, and prioritization of the actions for implementation.

The program will include presentations in oral and poster formats and group discussions.

The event is free of registration fee. Registration and abstract submission has been closed on 15 August 2023

Remote participation will be available, the link for remote participation registration will be open soon. 

Poster Guide:

Size of the poster board (portrait): Height ~143 cm, width: ~114 cm, appropriate for A0 size.

Logistics Information can be found here


>> To GGGW

If you have any questions or requirements related to the meeting, please contact the secretariat at:

Oksana Tarasova (otarasova@wmo.int)

Bin Qu (bqu@wmo.int)