Preparation Meeting for WIS2 to GTS Gateway Test

 Preparation Meeting for WIS2 to GTS Gateway Test

26-27 February 2025, Hybrid meeting, WMO HQ, Geneva, Switzerland


To discuss and develop the program and establish performance test criteria for the WIS2 to GTS Gateway.


Invited experts 


Presentations are available here.

Preliminary agenda

Day 1: 07:00 UTC - 13:00 UTC

Gateway WIS2-to-GTS Progress and Performance Testing

1.Welcome and ObjectivesOverview of the two-day meeting agenda.
Goals for Day 1:
- Review progress on WIS2-to-GTS gateways (China and UK).
- Discuss and plan performance tests for the gateways.
2. Progress on WIS2 Gateways
2.1 WIS2 to GTS Gateway- China Gateway (Xue Lei)
- UK Gateway (Paul)
2.2 GTS to WIS2 GatewayComparing the DWD and JMA Gateways (Chems)
2.3 WIS2 Gateways and NWP CentresHow can NWP centres help to assess the data availability in the gateways?
3. Performance Testing of Gateways 
3.1 OverviewPerformance testing goals and methodology.
4. Metrics- Ensuring system reliability and uptime.
- Identifying data flow anomalies or errors.
4.1 Alerting MechanismsCriteria for triggering alerts
5. Dashboards- Data visualization for key metrics.
- Customizable views for stakeholders.
6. Planning Gateway Performance Tests 
6.1 Test Plans- Roles and responsibilities.
- Timeline for completion.
7. Wrap-Up and Action Items for Gateway TestingSummary of Day 1 discussions.

Day 2: 07:00 UTC - 13:00 UTC

Preparation for the Dry Run

1.ObjectivesGoals for Day 2:
- Assess the feasibility of the dry run.
- Identify and confirm 2-3 target countries for participation.
- Plan and timeline.
2. Feasibility of the Dry RunDiscuss the approach and feasibility.
3. Selection of Target Countries- Review selection criteria.
- Discuss candidate countries.
- Confirm 2-3 target countries.
- Role of GISCs and RTHs
4. Dry Run Preparation PlanDefine key components of the dry run:
- Plan and timeline.
- Roles and responsibilities.
5. WIS2 to GTS Gateway as Backup in Case of GTS System Failure?
6. Closing Remarks


For further information, please contact us at

(Last update: 27 February 2025)