RA I Training Workshop (hybrid) on Regional WIGOS Centre functions and tools, for East and North Africa

The Training Workshop for Regional Association I (Africa) (RA I) on the functions and tools of Regional WMO Integrated Global Observing System (WIGOS) Centres (RWC) for East and North Africa will be held in Dar es Salam, Tanzania from October 7 to 9, 2024 kindly hosted by the Tanzanian Meteorological Agency (TMA).

The workshop aims to enhance the understanding and skills of relevant National Focal Points (NFPs) from RA I Members in East and North Africa who are not yet involved in RWCs operations. this training will focus on the efficient use of the WIGOS tools within the context of the RWC functions, in accordance with the roles and responsibilities of RWCs and NFPs.

Additionally, from October 10 to 11, 2024, a meeting of the existing and prospective RWCs in the region will be held at the same venue.

Participants to the training workshop

The primary target audience consists of WIGOS Data Quality Monitoring System (WDQMS) NFPs from western and central African countries and of staff from RWCs candidates. Other national experts involved in WIGOS-related activities, such as NFPs for WIGOS and NFPs for OSCAR/Surface are also invited to attend the workshop, in principle remotely, or in person if replacing a NFP for WDQMS.

Agenda and practical information related to the training workshop will be posted here in due time.