Regional Webinar on Extreme Heat and Health Services for RA II Members

You are kindly invited to a Regional Webinar on Extreme Heat and Health Services for RA II Members  on Monday, 9 October 2023, 07:00-09:00 UTC. The connection details (MS Teams) are provided below.


This webinar will provide an opportunity for National Meteorological and Hydrological Services (NMHSs) and their partners from Regional Association II (Asia) of WMO (RA II) to share current practices, gaps and solutions for extreme heat services and warnings.

The expected audience includes experts from NMHSs from RA II (such as focal points on climate services for health), national health institutions, UN agencies and other national and regional stakeholders.


The webinar will consist of (see the attached Concept Note with the Agenda):

  1. opening remarks by representatives from the WMO RAP Office and the chair of the RA II Working Group on Weather, Climate, Water and Related Environmental Services and Applications (WG Services),
  2. three presentations on current extreme heat services,
  3. an overview of current heat and health science,
  4. an introduction to the role of the Global Heat Health Information Network (GHHIN) and WMO’s assessment of extreme heat services, service needs, gaps and opportunities to rapidly scale support to address these gaps by the WMO/WHO Joint Climate and Health Office in Geneva (This presentation will include a progress report on the updated ‘Guidance for Heatwave and Heat Health Early Warning Systems’, and the new ‘Handbook for Extreme Heat Indicators and Indices’.), and
  5. a Q&A and discussion.


NMHS participants will obtain access to an online spreadsheet where they can inspect the current assessment of extreme heat services and can email any updates/corrections to WMO (clearly identifying who provided the updates).


Please feel free to share this invitation widely, e.g. key partners and stakeholders of your NMHS.

For any questions, kindly contact Dr John Nairn CF, Senior Extreme Heat Advisor at the WMO-WHO Joint Climate and Health Office (