Side-event: Antarctica – a global continent: towards a WMO Antarctic dialogue
Antarctica is connected to the rest of the world via atmospheric circulation and ocean currents. The Antarctic is linked to the tropics through teleconnection patterns associated with large scale phenomena such as El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO).
What happens on Antarctica and the Southern Ocean affects all, coastal areas and small islands, and has consequences on sea level rise, ocean circulation, but also on global fisheries and food security and is a driver of global extreme weather events.
The side event “Antarctica – a global continent: towards a WMO Antarctic dialogue” was hosted by the EC Panel on Polar and High Mountains Observations, Research, and Services (PHORS) and it will include presentations on global impacts of icesheet melt and provide an outline for the planned consultations and engagements with Members as decided by the Executive Council.
Ruth Mottram Antarctic ice sheet loss and sea level rise
Garvin Cummings Melting cryosphere and rising seas: impacts on Guyana