SWFP-South Pacific: Meeting of the Regional Subprogramme Management Team (RSMT) (Brisbane, 2 August 2024)

The Regional Subprogramme Management Team (RSMT) of SWFP-South Pacific mainly comprises the designated national SWFP focal points from the NMHSs of participating Pacific SIDS and the representatives of the contributing World Meteorological Centres (WMCs) and the Regional Specialized Meteorological Centres (RSMCs). The RSMT will meet in Brisbane, Australia on 2 August 2024 back-to-back with the Twenty-second Session of the WMO RA V Tropical Cyclone Committee (RA V TCC-22, 30 July - 1 August 2024) to review the SWFP progress in South Pacific and its contributions to the UN Early Warning for All (EW4All) initiative.

The documents for the RA V TCC-22 session will be made available here.

The agenda of RSMT meeting is given below and the meeting documents can be found here.

Friday, 2 August 2024


Agenda Item



1. Introduction

  • Opening of RSMT-9/Welcoming Remarks
  • Working arrangements
  • Adoption of agenda 
  • Formal designation of chairperson


  • Australia & WMO Secretariat
  • Acting chairperson (Raveen Das)/ All

(30 min)


2. Review of actions/recommendations from RSMT-8 

Chairperson  (30 min)


3. RSMC Wellington updates 

Raveen Das (30 min)


4. Country reports from selected NMHSs (Pacific SIDS with highest impacts)

Members (National SWFP focal points) 

(60 min)


5. WMCs update

  • WMC Melbourne
  • WMC Washington
  • WMC Exeter 
  • WMC Tokyo


Representatives of WMCs (or Chairperson) 

(30 min)


6. Advisory Group on Severe Weather Forecasting (AG-SWF)

Raveen Das (15 min)

  13:45-14:05 7. SWFP-South Pacific Governance/Reporting within RA V  Chairperson/ All  (20 min)
  14:05-15:00 8. Review of SWFP-South Pacific Operation Plan Chairperson/ All  (55 min)
  15:30-16:30 9. Review of actions/recommendations Chairperson/ All  (60 min)
  16:30-16:45 10. Any other business, including next meeting Chairperson/ All  (15 min)
  16:45-17:00 11. Closure Chairperson/ All  (15 min)