SWFP-Southeast Asia: Meeting of the Regional Subprogramme Management Team (RSMT) (ONLINE, 1-2 December 2022)

ONLINE, 1-2 December 2022 

Daily 2-hour session between 0800 UTC - 1000 UTC (09:00-11:00 CET/Geneva time)

The Regional Subprogramme Management Team (RSMT) of SWFP-Southeast Asia mainly comprises the designated national SWFP focal points from NMHSs of the five participating countries including Cambodia, Lao People's Democratic Republic, Philippines, Thailand and Viet Nam as well as designated representatives from the contributing Global NWP Centres (including World Meteorological Centres (WMCs)) and the Regional Centres.

The RSMT will meet remotely online via MS Teams, and will review the SWFP-South Asia progress since its last meeting. 

- Provisional Agenda

- Presentation template (for NMHSs only)

- Presentations

- Report of the last meeting of RSMT (September 2019)