Technical Planning Meeting for SWFP Implementation in Southeastern Asia-Oceania subregion (Jakarta, 10-14 February 2025)
A Technical Planning Meeting for SWFP Implementation in Southeastern Asia-Oceania subregion is planned in Jakarta, Indonesia during 10-14 February 2025. The main purpose of the meeting is to determine the needs and requirements of participating countries to define the scope of SWFP implementation in Southeastern Asia-Oceania subregion (SAO) and prepare a (draft) regional implementation plan, including agreeing on the establishment of a Regional Subprogramme Management Team (RSMT) for SWFP-SAO.
In support of the UN Early Warnings for All (EW4All) initiative, SWFP is being scaled up in collaboration with Members and with support from development partners and donors including for its geographical expansion to more countries and subregions as feasible, in addition to improving severe weather guidance products. The NMHSs of countries in Southeastern Asia- Oceania subregion including Brunei Darussalam, Indonesia, Malaysia, Papua New Guinea, Timor-Leste as well as various potential contributing Global and Regional Centres have already designated their SWFP focal points/representatives in 2024. An Introductory Scoping Meeting for SWFP Implementation in Southeastern Asia-Oceania subregion was organized with the designated focal points/representatives remotely online on 27 August 2024. As a follow up to the virtual meeting, a face-to-face technical planning meeting is planned in Jakarta in February 2025 in collaboration with the Agency for Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysics of the Republic of Indonesia (BMKG) and the UK Met Office (UKMO) as part of the WISER (Weather and Climate Information Services) Asia Pacific programme (funded by the UK Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office). The meeting is in line with the global SWFP priority of expanding its geographic scope to cover Southeastern Asia-Oceania subregion in support of the EW4All initiative.
- Information Note & Hotel Reservation Form (for WMO funded participants)
- Information Note, Acceptance Form & Hotel Reservation Form (for UKMO funded participants)