Sixth International Workshop on Monsoons(IWM-6)Singapore, 13-17 November 2017 |
THEME of IWM-6: The Global Monsoon System: Research and Forecast of Severe Monsoon Weather and Climate Impacts The International Workshop on Monsoons (IWM) series is a part of the WMO major quadrennial symposia and workshops series under the World Weather Research Programme (WWRP). IWM-VI was organized by the Monsoon Panel of the WWRP Working Group on Tropical Meteorology Research (WGTMR), in cooperation with the CLIVAR/GEWEX Monsoon Panel, the MJO Task Force, the S2S Steering Group, the YMC Scientific Steering Committee, Meteorological Service Singapore, and Chinese University of Hong Kong. The workshop provided a forum for researchers and forecasters to discuss recent advances and current issues covering all time scales (meso-, synoptic, extended range, intraseasonal, climate) that are relevant to the forecasts of high-impact weather in the monsoon regions around the world. It was also an effective means to transfer new science and technology to National Meteorological and Hydrological Services in these regions. As in previous IWMs, a monsoon training workshop was included in the programme to offer short courses to developing country NMHS forecasters sponsored by WMO. An important part of the program was the invited reviews which will be finalized by the authors after the workshop and peer reviewed, and published in a WMO-sponsored book: The Global Monsoon System: Research and Forecast, IV. An overview of the previous (3rd) edition
In addition to the invited reviews, IWM-6 also included invited and contributed oral and poster papers.
List of Invited Reviews and Oral Papers
Presentations 13 Nov 2017 (Monday) Regional Monsoon (1) (S Gadgil) Regional Monsoon (2) (B Wang) (BN Goswami) (G Wu) (Y Liu) Regional Monsoon (3) (A Moise) (KJ Ha) (T Li) (A Sengupta) Regional Monsoon (4) (A Grimm) (L Wang) (V Pottapinjara) (F Guichard) (C Zhu)
14 Nov 2017 (Tuesday) High-Impact Weather(1) (T Lane) (M Bell) (Y Luo) (M Xue) High-Impact Weather(2) (L Carvalho) (JP Lafore) (Z Meng) (S Chen) High-Impact Weather(3) (G Lau) (K Rasmussen) (Y Luo) (C Taylor) High-Impact Weather (4) (K Hunt) (N Sun) (S Joseph) Poster Summaries
15 Nov 2017 (Wednesday) Intraseasonal & S2S(1) (D Kim) (C DeMott) (P Roundy) (X Jiang) (F Vitart) Intraseasonal & S2S(2) (D Yang) (A Adames) (H Kim) (N Klingaman) Intraseasonal & S2S(3) (V Moron) (R Wu) (KJJ Chan) (V Misra) (M Flatau) Intraseasonal & S2S(4) (CH Sui) (W Zhang) (H Kim) (Y Lim) Poster Summaries
16 Nov 2017 (Thursday) Regional Monsoon (5) (A Lenouo) (K Yoneyama) (CP Chang) (Y Takaya) Regional Monsoon (6) (X Wen) (R Smith) (V Dixit) (K Furtado) (KC Wong) (W Boos) High-Impact Weather(5) (S Yoden) (S Das) (Y Takayabu) (Y Kajikawa)
17 Nov 2017 (Friday) Modeling & Climate Change(1) (K Tsuboki) (A Kitoh) (YS Lui) (S Kusunoki) (TY Koh) Modeling & Climate Change(2) (H Annamalai) (S Peatman) (R Ajayamohan) (WZ Chen) (T Terray) Modeling & Climate Change(3) (M Zuo) (B Timbal) (Y Xue) (T Ose) (Y Zheng) Modeling & Climate Change(4) (A Turner) (T Zhou)
SHORT COURSE Monsoon & Tropical Convection (R Johnson) MME & Downscaling (YY Lee & D Jeong) Radar Meteorology (M Bell)
Posters List of Participants
Structure of theMonsoon Panel
Executive Committee
Chair: Prof Chih-Pei CHANG (NPS) Dr Jean-Philippe LAFORE (MF) Dr Ngar-Cheung Gabriel LAU (CUHK) Prof Richard H. JOHNSON (CSU) Prof Jun MATSUMOTO (TMU) Prof Maria SILVA DIAS (USP) Dr Ajit TYAGI (MES) Dr Matthew WHEELER (BoM) Ms WONG Chin Ling (MSS) Dr WU Guoxiong (IAP) Prof DING Yihui (CMA)
Expert Team onSevere MonsoonWeather |
Expert Team onClimate Impacts on Monsoon Weather |
Co-Chair: Prof MENG Zhiyong (PKU) Co-Chair: Dr Hiroshi UYEDA (NU) Members: Dr William BOOS (Yale) Prof Robert FOVELL (SUNYA) Prof LUO Yali (CMA) Prof Dong-In LEE (PKNU) Prof Brian Earle MAPES (RSMAS) Dr Peter MAY (BoM) Dr MN RAJEEVAN (IMD)
Co-Chair: Prof B.N. GOSWAMI (IISER) Co-Chair: Prof Bin WANG (UH) Members: Dr Harry HENDON (BoM) Prof In-Sik KANG (SNU) Prof Masahide KIMOTO (UT) Dr William LAU (UM) Dr Jianping LI (IAP) Prof Tetsuzo YASUNARI (RIHN)
Publications (Monsoons)The Global Monsoon System: Research and Forecast (April 2011) "Proceedings of the Fourth WMO International Workshop on Monsoons (IWM-IV) (Beijing, China, 20-25 October 2008) (WMO TD 1447) (WWRP 2008-2) [Preface] |
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