WIGOS Vision update group 1st virtual meeting (4 March 2025)


1. Opening with updates from the kick-off meeting (Sid and Jitsuko) 10’

2. Status report from subgroups (3’ status report and 3’ Q and A each) 60’

  • SG1: Framing the context - Sid
  • SG2: Section on Space component Evolution - tbd
  • SG3: Section on surface component Evolution - Jianxia
  • SG4: Section on technology Evolution - June
  • SG5: Section on requirements and Applications Evolution - Tony
  • SG6: Concept of integration (space and surface) - Mary-Jane
  • SG7: Assess risks, challenges, and High-level strategies, recommendations to achieve vision - Sid
  • SG8: Communities Interfacing/Engagement - Lihang

3. Short status update of Short-term Tasks (Sid and Jitsuko) 10’

4. Foresight exercise 30’

5. Draft agenda for the physical meeting in April (Sid and Jitsuko) 5’

6. Closing 5’