WIGOS Vision update group kick-off meeting


  1. Welcome, introduction (All) - 15'
    • Participants list
    • Introduce yourself
    • Please inform the team of your background and expertise
    • Please tell something you want the team to know about you
  2. Purpose of WMO Integrated Global Observing System Vision (Sid) - 10'
    • General goal of the vision
    • How the WIGOS vision was used in the past
    • How we hope this update will serve the community in the future
  3. Overview of main findings from latest ET-EOSDE meeting (Sid/Jitsuko) - 20'
    • How does the vision fit in the landscape of WMO activities
    • What are the major drivers for the vision update
    • Importance of wide community participation
  4. Review Draft Terms of Reference (ToR) (Jitsuko/Sid, All) - 15'
    • Based on answers to scoping questions deliberated before
    • Describes our mode of operations and expectations
  5. Community Engagement (Sid/Jitsuko) - 20'
    • How will we socialize the vision to enrich it and gain buy in
    • How we will collect feedbacks
    • How we will undertake review
  6. Roadmap and timeline (2025-2026) leading to WMO’s INFCOM (Jitsuko) - 10'
  7. Next Steps (Sid/Jitsuko) - 20'
  8. AOB - 10'

INFCOM organigram as of November 2024