WIS2 Observation Data for NWP Virtual Workshop
WIS 2.0 Observation Data for Numerical Weather Prediction Workshop
26 March & 28 March 2025, Zoom Webinar
Effective January 1, 2025, the WMO Information System 2.0 (WIS 2.0) enters its operational phase, marking a significant advancement in global data sharing. This milestone initiates a transformation that will ultimately replace the Global Telecommunication System (GTS), WMO's data-sharing backbone that has served the global weather forecasting community since 1971. NWP centres, as main users of observational data in WIS 2.0 and GTS, will have to develop capabilities and processes to connect to WIS 2.0. Furthermore, new observations are now available exclusively through WIS 2.0. The focus of this workshop is to share best practices for connecting and using observations available through WIS 2.0.
Date & Time
Two identical sessions will be held to accommodate participants in different time zones.
- Session 1: 26 March 2025 (Wednesday), 08:00-09:30 UTC
- Session 2: 28 March 2025 (Friday), 14:00-15:30 UTC
Zoom Webinar.
Please register using the link (https://forms.office.com/e/0Y10Wv42ZG?origin=lprLink).
Once registered, you will receive the Zoom Webinar link(s).
Target audiences
WMO World Meteorological Centres (WMC) and Global Producing Centres (GPC)
- WIS National Focal Points from WMCs and GPCs (for matters of WIS2)
- WMC Focal Points (for matters of using the observations)
- GPC Focal Points (for matters of using the observations)
Preliminary agenda
- Opening (David Richardson, Chair SC-WIPPS, 2 minutes)
- Introduction to WIS 2.0 (Rémy Giraud, Chair of SC-IMT, 10 minutes)
- ECMWF presents its approach to connecting to WIS 2.0 (Cristiano Zanna/Cristina Prates, ECMWF, 15 minutes)
- DWD presents its approach to connecting to WIS 2.0 (Alexander Cress/Kai-Thorsten Wirt, DWD, 15 minutes)
- Q & A (All, 30-45 minutes)
- WIPPS Quality Monitoring function (Andy Smith, ET-ODQMS, 5 minutes)
- Closing
Presentations will be shared here.
For further information, please contact us at wis@wmo.int
(Last update: 21 March 2025)