Writeshop of CCl Task Team on the Guide to Climatological Practices

Writeshop of CCl Task Team on the Guide to Climatological Practices


Geneva, Switzerland

16-20 October 2017


ObjectiveVenueLogisticsList of participants ReportAgenda
Reference Documents



CCl-16 established TT-GCP to 1) Identify key reviewers across four other OPACEs to assist in keeping the Guide to Climatological Practices up to date and state of the science; 2) Review sections of the Guide according to the existing time table which calls for rapidly evolving areas to be reviewed more frequently than slowly evolving parts, coordinate the update those sections of the Guide as appropriate; 3) Develop a new model for the Guide for ease of updating (e.g., CIMO’s Guide is a series of chapter pdfs, each of which can be updated without impacts to any of the other chapters); and 4) In collaboration with the Secretariat, review the climate relevant parts of WMO standards and technical regulations and propose updates where appropriate.



7bis, Avenue de la Paix
1211 Geneva2



Visa Form (Request for WMO support to send a letter to the Embassy or Consulate concerned if needed).




Download full agenda in pdf




Reference documents