METAREA Coordinators - Roles and responsibilities
METAREA Coordinators are responsible for coordinating the provision of the Worldwide Met-Ocean Information and Warning Service (WWMIWS) for their METAREA.
View the METAREA Coordinator contact list.(updated by WMO)
METAREA Coordinators work closely with NAVAREA Coordinators who have similar responsibilities for providing the Worldwide Navigation Warning Service.
METAREA Coordinator resources
Regarding METAREA Coordinator resources, the METAREA coordinator should have:
(a) The expertise and information sources of National Meteorological Services; and
(b) Effective communications, e.g. telephone, e-mail, facsimile, internet, etc., with National Meteorological Services in the METAREA, with other METAREA coordinators, and with other data providers.
METAREA Coordinator responsibilities
Regarding METAREA Coordinator responsibilities, the METAREA coordinator has to:
(a) Act as the central point of contact on matters relating to meteorological information and warnings within the METAREA;
(b) Promote and oversee the use of established international standards and practices in the promulgation of meteorological information and warnings throughout the METAREA;
(c) Coordinate preliminary discussions between neighbouring Members, seeking to establish and operate NAVTEX services, prior to formal application;
(d) Coordinate the promulgation of meteorological bulletins onto WMO Information System(WIS) and ensure the correct display of SafetyNET and MSI messages to WWMIWS website hosted by Météo-France;
(e) Liaise with entities that have responsibility for maritime safety, marine communications, port authorities, and other relevant maritime responsibilities on the effective use of meteorological information and warning services;
(f) Act as a coordination point for implementation of WMO strategic initiatives under the services delivery framework, including verification, quality management, Marine Forecaster Competency framework and resilience activities;
(g) Be responsible for maintaining details of marine weather services and marine communications relevant for international service documentation such as WMO No-9, Vol D - Information for Shipping, UKHO Admiralty List of Radio Signals, IMO GMDSS Master Plan; and
(h) Contribute to the development of international standards and practices through attendance and participation in the WMO Worldwide Met-Ocean Information and Warning Service Committee meetings, and also attend and participate in relevant IMO, IHO and WMO meetings as appropriate and required.
The METAREA coordinator has to also ensure that within its METAREA, National Meteorological Services which act as Issuing Services have the capability to:
(a) Select meteorological information and warnings for broadcast in accordance with the guidance given in the WMO’s Manual on Marine Meteorological Services (WMO No. 558);
(b) Provide insights and monitor changes in customer requirements for updates to the WMO Guide on Marine Meteorological Services; and
(c) Monitor the SafetyNET transmission of their bulletins, broadcast by the Issuing Service.
The METAREA coordinator has to further ensure that within its METAREA, National Meteorological Services which act as Preparation Services have the capability to:
(a) Endeavour to be informed of all meteorological events that could significantly affect the safety of navigation within their area of responsibility;
(b) Assess all meteorological information immediately upon receipt in the light of expert knowledge for relevance to navigation within their area of responsibility;
(c) Forward marine meteorological information that may require wider promulgation directly to adjacent METAREA coordinators and/or others as appropriate, using the quickest possible means;
(d) Ensure that information concerning all meteorological warning subject areas listed in WMO No. 558 that may require a METAREA warning within their own area of responsibility is forwarded immediately to the appropriate National Meteorological Services and METAREA coordinators affected by the meteorological event;
(e) Provide insights and monitor changes in customer requirements for updates to the WMO Guide on Marine Meteorological Services; and
(f) Maintain records of source data relating to meteorological information and warning messages within their area of responsibility.
(The most current list of METAREA coordinators is always available here on the WMO website through the Operational Information Service. Any discrepancies or errors in the list below should be reported by email to the WMO: )