Forum on Advancing the Environmental Sustainability of Observing Systems and Methods

Meteorological Technology World Expo (MTWE 2023) will be held on 3-5 October 2023 in Palexpo, Geneva, Switzerland.

A three-hour forum on Advancing the Environmental Sustainability of Observing Systems and Methods will be organized as an activity of the Standing Committee on Measurements, Instrumentation and Traceability (SC-MINT) of WMO Infrastructure Commission (INFCOM) during MTWE on October 3, 2023. 

The forum will focus primarily on meteorological (surface and upper air) and marine observational domains, and will kick off with five selected stage-setting presentations, including the results and early recommendations from the WMO Survey and Virtual Workshop on the Environmental Sustainability of Observing Systems and Methods.

A subsequent panel discussion with industry and INFCOM representatives will provide an opportunity for the former to respond to WMO member perspectives, and advance the dialogue on requirements and expectations for policy guidance.