RA VI Management Group Enhances Coordination with Strategic Optimizations

The RA VI Management Group, with support from the Regional Office for Europe and in coordination with the RA VI Working Group chairs, has implemented key changes to optimize its working mechanisms for better coordination and efficiency.

The Regional Concept Team and the Inter and Intra-Regional Cooperation and Development Partnerships Team will be discontinued, with their functions integrated into the Management Group and the Regional Forum on Public-Private Engagement. The GMAS Framework Team will now focus on the EW4All initiative, while the Sustainable Development Team will maintain its open-ended format and actively participate in the UNECE Regional Forum on Sustainable Development.

For the WG on Infrastructure, Observations, and Information Systems, three standalone teams will be discontinued. The Aircraft-based Observations Team's tasks will be integrated into the Working Group to improve ABO and WICAP plan implementation. The WMO Integrated Global Observing System Task Team will be dissolved, with expanded monitoring responsibilities within the Working Group and consideration for establishing Regional WIGOS Centers. The inactive WMO Information System Task Team will also be discontinued, with its activities supported within the Working Group to streamline efforts and reduce non-functional entities.

In the WG on Services and Applications, eight rapporteurs across various sectors will consolidate their efforts within a Task Team specializing in Multi-Sector Services, led by an integral member of the Group on Services. This change aims to foster cross-disciplinary collaboration and comprehensive solutions. The Rapporteur on Disaster Risk Reduction will be phased out as the focus of the GMAS Team shifts from GMAS to the EW4All initiative, and the Rapporteur on Gender Equality will be dissolved, ensuring gender considerations are integrated into all activities. Additionally, a Coordination Team on Forecasting, including flood forecasting, may be established to enhance coordination and coherence across different forecasting teams, promoting knowledge sharing and effective solutions.

With high-level membership, these Working Groups will focus on coordination rather than implementation, which will be project based and/or rather on Members' level. These strategic adjustments aim to streamline discussions, foster inclusivity, prioritize impactful actions, and leverage collaborative opportunities for greater efficiency and effectiveness.