Regional Climate Center Network of RA VI is getting ready to welcome a new member of its Consortium

To assist the WMO Members in the Regional Association VI (RA VI) to deliver better climate services and products including regional long-range forecasts, and to strengthen their capacity to meet national climate information needs, Romania has expressed interest in joining the WMO RA VI Regional Climate Center (RCC) Consortium, formed by the leads of the three nodes and contributing members. For that, Romania is offering a wide range of products generated by the National Meteorological Administration (NMA) of Romania. 

The consultations of the NMA of Romania with the WMO Secretariat and the RCC nodes leads started at the RCC Coordination Team meeting with a presentation of the operational data products developed based on remote sensing data for climate monitoring and for long-range forecasting (daily, month, seasonal and research). These are prepared to enter the self-test phase and could be released for operational use in the nearest time to support the three Nodes of the RA VI RCC Network. For more information on the products, the Team can consult the dedicated web site at  

These can be used to make some incremental changes to the Operational Plan of the Center in consultations with the respective Node leads, and will be the basis of the RA VI RCC Coordination Team to recommend to the RA VI president to include the NMA of Romania as a Consortium member in a formal way. 

For more information on the RA VI RCC, click HERE.