WMO data sharing through WIS 2.0
The third session of Commission for Observations, Infrastructure, and Information Systems (INFCOM) was held from 15 to 19 April, in Geneva, Switzerland.
INFCOM decided to significantly advance the new WMO global data sharing system which will become operational at the beginning of next year and which underpins the accuracy of weather forecasts and early warnings and supports climate monitoring and research.
The WMO Information System, known as WIS 2.0, ushers in a future where predicting and preparing for weather-related events, tracking changes in the environment, and contributing to climate research will be more efficient and effective than ever before.INFCOM provided guidance, software and training to Members on how to transition from the current data exchange systems to the next generation of data sharing facilities. To further facilitate this transition, open-source software and training is being offered to the WMO Centres located in all Member countries.
Currently, over 50 countries are exchanging data in real-time, with the majority using the WIS2 in a box software and participating in training sessions organized by WMO.
(Source: https://wmo.int/media/news/wmo-infrastructure-commission-faces-future )