WMO Regional Office for Europe: Advancing Climate-Smart Food Systems through UN Regional Collaboration

In a significant event held alongside the 2024 UNECE Regional Forum for Sustainable Development in Geneva, Switzerland, global, regional and national leaders discussed 'Food Systems Transformation as an Accelerator for the SDGs Implementation and Climate Action.'

Spearheaded by the Regional UN Issue Based Coalition on Sustainable Food Systems, with contributions from the WMO Regional Office for Europe, the event drew stakeholders from diverse sectors.

Dr. Radics, Director of the WMO Regional Office for Europe, played a key role in moderating discussions, notably focusing on the intersection of food and climate. The event highlighted the urgent need to address the challenges posed by climate change to food systems, with participants reaffirming their commitment to action through the Food Declaration adopted on 18 September 2023 by the high-level political forum on sustainable development convened under the auspices of the General Assembly of the United Nations.

A case study presented by a representative from Moldova's Ministry of Agriculture showcased practical implementation strategies, emphasizing the pivotal role of the farming community and private sector.

The event's inclusivity, welcoming participation from youth representatives, underscored the universal importance of the climate-food-energy nexus in driving societal change. 

In conclusion, the event emphasized the importance of collaborative action to build resilient and sustainable food systems, advancing the global agenda on climate action and sustainable development. With momentum, stakeholders are ready to turn talk into real solutions, pushing forward the global agenda on climate action and sustainable development.