Nico Caltabiano 

Nico Caltabiano 

Scientific Officer

Nico is an oceanographer, with a master's degree in Ocean Remote Sensing at the Brazilian National Institute for Space Research and a PhD in Oceanography at the University of Southampton, UK.

Nico’s responsibilities for the WWRP include support for the new WWRP core projects Sub-seasonal to seasonal Applications for Agriculture and Environment (SAGE), Polar Coupled Analysis and prediction for Services (PCAPS) and Integrated Prediction of Precipitation and Hydrology for Early Actions (InPRHA). Also, Nico will be supporting the Tropical Cyclone-Probabilistic Forecast Products (TC-PFP) Project, the Data Assimilation and Observing Systems (DAOS) Working Group. He will work closely with the World Climate Research Programme (WCRP) and Global Atmospheric Watch (GAW) colleagues in many activities that are relevant to the WWRP groups.

Before joining the WWRP Secretariat, Nico was part of the WCRP Secretariat and also served as the Deputy Executive Director of the International CLIVAR Project Office, and more recently Project Manager of the Klimapolis Laboratory and EU AQ-WATCH project at the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology, in Hamburg, Germany.
