WWOSC 2014_20
The World Weather Open Science Conference
(21 August 2014)
WW-JPL06 -
08:30 - 10:00
WW OSC J oint Plenary Room
Chairs: Brian Mills and Florence Rabier
WW-JPL06.01 - Research Needs for Better Health Resilience to Weather
Michel Jancloes1, 1Health and Climate Foundation, Divonne les Bains, France
WW-JPL06.02 - High Performance Computing (HPC)
Al Kellie1, 1NCAR, Boulder, USA
SCI-PS237 -
10:30 - 12:00
ISS - Cryosphere-Ocean-Atmosphere, Coupling & Interaction
Chair: Nicholas Klingaman
SCI-PS237.01 - Boundary layers and clouds in interaction with the surface in
polar regions
Gunilla Svensson1, 1Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden
SCI-PS237.02 - GABLS4: An intercomparison case to study the stable
boundary layer on the Antarctic plateau
Eric Bazile1, Olivier Traullé1, Hélène Barral2, Vincent Guidard1, A.A.M.
Holtslag3, Patrick Le Moigne1, Gunilla Svensson4, Timo Vihma5, 1Météo-
France, CNRM-GAME, Toulouse, France, 2LGGE UMR 5183, Grenoble, France,
3Wageningen University, Wageningen, The Netherlands, 4Stockholm University,
Stockholm, Sweden, 5Finnish Meteorological Institute, Helsinki, Finland
SCI-PS237.03 - Improvements of moisture flux estimates using AIRS version
6 data in the Arctic
Linette Boisvert1, Dong Wu2, Timo Vihma3, 1ESSIC UMD, College Park, USA,
2NASA GSFC, Greenbelt, USA, 3Finnish Meteorological Institute, Helsinki, Finland
SCI-PS237.04 - Stable boundary layer Obukhov length; atmospheric
chemistry and wind energy applications
Peter Taylor1, Daniel Laroche1, Robert McLaren1, Jim Salmon2, 1CRESS, York
University, Toronto, Canada, 2Zephyr North, Burlington, Canada
SCI-PS238 -
10:30 - 12:00
NPE - Environmental Prediction Systems: Tropical Aspects
Chair: Yihong Duan
SCI-PS238.01 - NOAA's high-resolution operational HWRF modeling system:
progress, advancements and challenges in hurricane forecasting
Vijay Tallapragada1, 1NOAA/NWS/NCEP/EMC, College Park, USA
SCI-PS238.02 - The global to local scale hurricane weather research and
forecasting (HWRF) system
Sundarar Gopalakrishnan1, Dr. Xuejin Zhang2, Dr. Thiago Quirino1, Dr. Joseph
Prusa3, Dr. Vijay Tallapragada4, Dr. Frank Marks1, Dr. Robert Atlas5,
1NOAA/Hurricane Research Division, Atlantic Oceanographic Meteorological
Laboratory, Miami, USA, 2University of Miami Cooperative Institute for Marine and
Atmospheric Studies and Atlantic Oceanographic Meteorological Laboratory,
Miami, USA, 3Teraflux Corporation, Miami, USA, 4NOAA/Environmental Modeling
Center, National Centers for Environmental Predictions, USA, 5NOAA/Atlantic
Oceanographic Meteorological Laboratory, Miami, Florida
SCI-PS238.03 - Advancing microphysics parameterizations in the hurricane
weather research and forecasting (HWRF) system
Christina Holt1, Ligia Bernardet1, Mrinal Biswas1, Vijay Tallapragada2, 1NOAA,
Developmental Testbed Center, Boulder, USA, 2Environmental Modeling Center,
College Park, USA
SCI-PS238.04 - Genesis of Hurricane Sandy (2012) simulated with a Global
Mesoscale Model
Bo-Wen Shen1, Mark DeMaria2, Jui-Lin F. Li3, Samson Cheung4, Yuling Wu5,
3JPL/CalTech, Pasadena, USA, 4NASA/ARC, Moffett Field, USA, 5NSSTC,
College Park, USA
SCI-PS239 -
10:30 - 12:00
NPE - Urban scale environmental prediction systems
Chair: Humphrey Lean
SCI-PS239.01 - Sensitivity analysis of aerosol feedbacks on chemistry and
weather at urban and regional scales
Greg Carmichael1, Pablo Saide1, Scott Spak1, Yafeng Cheng1, Pallavi
Marrapu1, Marcelo Mena-Carrasco2, Gufran Beig3, Man Yu1, Gao Meng1,
1Center for Global & Regional Environmental Research, University of Iowa, Iowa
City, USA, 2Center for Sustainability Research, Universidad Andres Bello,
Santiago, Chile, 3India Institute of Tropical Meteorology, Pune, India
SCI-PS239.02 - Ensemble based probabilistic forecasting of meteorology and
air quality in Oslo, Norway
Sam-Erik Walker1, 1Norwegian Institute for Air Research (NILU), Kjeller, Norway
SCI-PS239.03 - Climate Analysis Seoul: An application for urban planning
and management to mitigate extreme-climate
Chaeyeon Yi1, Kyurang Kim2, Seung-Man An3, Young-Jean Choi1, Dieter
Scherer4, Ute Fehrenbach4, 1Weather Information Service Engine (WISE)
Project, Seoul, Republic of Korea 2 Department of Applied Meteorology Research,
National Institute of Meteorological Research, Jeju, Korea 3Social Eco-Tech
Institute, Konkuk University, Seoul, Korea 4 Department of Ecology, Technical
University of Berlin, Germany
SCI-PS239.04 - Experiments with a scale - and aerosol-aware convective
parameterization on regional and global scales
Georg Grell1, Shan Sun2, Evelyn Grell2, Saulo Freitas3, Stan Benjamin1, Martin
Stuefer4, Joseph Olson2, 1NOAA/ESRL, Boulder, USA, 2CIRES, University of
Colorado, Boulder, USA, 3INPE-CPTEC, Brazil, 4University of Alaska, Fairbanks, USA
SCI-PS240 -
10:30 - 12:00
ODA - Coupled data assimilation and reanalyses
Chair: Suranjana Saha
SCI-PS240.01 - The Coupled ECMWF ReAnalysis system
Patrick Laloyaux1, Eric de Boisseson1, Magdalena Balmaseda1, Kristian
Mogensen1, 1ECMWF, Reading, UK
SCI-PS240.02 - Towards coupled atmosphere-ocean assimilation via skin
SST analysis in NASA GEOS DAS
Santha Akella1, Ricardo Todling2, Max Suarez2, 1NASA/ GMAO, SSAI, Lanham,
USA, 2NASA/ GMAO, Greenbelt, USA (exceeds size limit)
SCI-PS240.03 - Exploring coupled atmosphere-ocean data assimilation
strategies with an EnKF, low-order model and CMIP5 data
Robert Tardif1, Gregory Hakim1, Chris Snyder2, 1University of Washington,
Seattle, USA, 2National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, USA
SCI-PS240.04 - A coupled ensemble data assimilation system for seasonal
Oscar Alves1, Yonghong Yin1, Li Shi1, Robin Wedd1, Debbie Hudson1, Patricia
Okely1, Harry Hendon1, 1Bureau of Meteorology, Melbourne, Austrlaia
SCI-PS241 -
10:30 - 12:00
ODA - Ocean and cryosphere observations and their
Chair: Anna Shlyaeva
SCI-PS241.01 - A coupled Arctic Ocean/sea ice reanalysis
Detlef Stammer1, Armin Köhl1, Nikolay Koldunov1, 1CEN, Universität Hamburg,
Hamburg, Germany
SCI-PS241.02 - Sensitivity of Arctic sea-ice to surface atmospheric forcings
in a coupled ocean-sea ice state estimate
An Nguyen1, Ayan Chaudhuri2, Ian Fenty3, Patrick Heimbach1, 1Massachusetts
Institute of Technology, Cambridge, USA, 2Atmospheric and Environmental
Research, Inc., Lexington, USA, 3Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, USA
SCI-PS241.03 - Recent advances in the Mercator-Ocean reanalysis system:
Application to an Arctic configuration
Charles-Emmanuel Testut1, Gilles Garric1, Gregory Smith2, Lu Youyu3,
1Mercator-Océan, Toulouse, France, 2Meteorological Research Division, EC,
Dorval, Canada, 3Bedford institute of Oceanography, Fisheries and Oceans
Canada, Dartmouth, Canada
SCI-PS241.04 - The global ocean forecasting initiative GODAE OceanView
Andreas Schiller1, Eric Dombrowsky2, Mike Bell3, Kirsten Wilmer-Becker3,
1CSIRO, Hobart, Australia, 2Mercator Ocean, Toulouse, France, 3UK Met Office,
Exeter, UK
SCI-PS242 -
10:30 - 12:00
P&P - Dynamics & predictability of middle latitude weather
systems & their higher and lower latitude interactions
Chair: Tobias Selz
SCI-PS242.01 - High-latitude influences on mid-latitude weather
Thomas Jung1, Marta Anna Kasper1, Tido Semmler1, Soumia Serrar1, 1AWI,
Bremerhaven, Germany
SCI-PS242.02 - Cold air outbreaks in the South Pacific: climatology,
dynamics and impacts
Lukas Papritz1, Stephan Pfahl1, Harald Sodemann1, Heini Wernli1, 1Institute for
Atmospheric and Climate Science, ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland
SCI-PS242.03 - Dynamics and predictability of atmospheric response to
reduced Arctic sea ice through ensemble sensitivity analysis
Hans Chen1, Fuqing Zhang1, 1The Pennsylvania State University, University
Park, USA
SCI-PS242.04 - WRF simulation of changes to characteristics of tropopause
polar vortices due to sea ice loss
Dylan Lusk1, Steven Cavallo1, 1University of Oklahoma, Norman, USA
SCI-PS243 -
10:30 - 12:00
P&P - Numerical methods of the atmosphere & ocean
(including composition & boundary layer at all latitudes)
Chair: Christiane Jablonowski
SCI-PS243.01 - Nonhydrostatic adaptive mesh dynamics for multiscale
climate models
William Collins1, Hans Johansen1, Peter McCorquodale1, Phil Colella1, Paul
Ullrich2, 1Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, USA, 2University of
California, Davis, USA
SCI-PS243.02 - Does high order and dynamic adaptive mesh refinement
improve the efficiency of atmospheric simulations?
Andreas Mueller1, Michal Kopera1, Simone Marras1, Francis X. Giraldo1,
1Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, USA
SCI-PS243.03 - Implementation of adaptive grid refinement in the Advanced
Regional Prediction System (ARPS)
Angel Domínguez Chovert1, Maibys Sierra Lorenzo2, Nivian Quintana
Rodríguez2, 1Higher Institute of Technology and Applied Sciences, Havana,
Cuba, 2Institute of Meteorology, Havana, Cuba
SCI-PS243.04 - An accurate and efficient numerical framework for adaptive
numerical weather prediction
Giovanni Tumolo1, Luca Bonaventura2, 1The Abdus Salam International Centre
for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy, 2MOX-Politecnico di Milano, Milano, Italy (exceeds size limit)
SCI-PS244 -
10:30 - 12:00
P&P - Stochastic forcing, Ensemble prediction systems and
Chair: Marie Boisserie
SCI-PS244.01 - Multi-model ensemble forecasts of tropical cyclones using
Munehiko Yamaguchi1, 1Meteorological Research Institute, Japan Meteorological
Agency, Tsukuba, Japan
SCI-PS244.02 - Probabilistic verification of global and mesoscale ensemble
forecasts of tropical cyclogenesis
Sharanya Majumdar1, Ryan Torn2, 1RSMAS / University of Miami, Miami, USA,
2SUNY at Albany, Albany, NY, USA
SCI-PS244.03 - Characteristics of TIGGE in representing forecast variability
associated with extratropical transition
Julia H. Keller1,2, Sarah C. Jones1,2, Jenni L. Evans3, Patrick A. Harr4, 1Institute
for Meteorology and Climate Research (IMK-TRO), Karlsruhe Institute of
Technology, Karlsruhe, Germany, 2German Meteorological Service, 3Department
of Meteorology, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pennsylvania,
USA, 4Department of Meteorology, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey,
California, USA
SCI-PS244.04 - Ensemble sensitivity analysis using TIGGE
Karine Maynard1, Philippe Arbogast1, 1Météo-France, Toulouse, France
SCI-PS245 -
10:30 - 12:00
P&P - Sub-grid parameterizations for the atmosphere and ocean
Chair: Joao Teixeira
SCI-PS245.01 - Superparameterized Climate Forecast System (SP-CFS) for
improved simulation of Indian summer monsoon
Bidyut Bikash Goswami1, Ravuri Phani Murali Krishna1, Parthasarathy
Mukhopadhyay1, Marat Khairoutdinov2, Bhupendra Nath Goswami1, 1Indian
Institute of Tropical Meteorology, Pune, India, 2Stony Brook University, New York,
SCI-PS245.02 - Sensitivity of hailstorm prediction to several microphysical
Christine Lac1, 1CNRM-GAME, Toulouse, France, 2Meteo-France, Toulouse,
France, 3Meteo-France, Toulouse, France, 4Meteo-France, Toulouse, France
SCI-PS245.03 - Water vapor isotopic diagnostics to evaluate the
representation of moist processes during Madden-Julian oscillations
Camille Risi1, Obbe Tuinenburg1, John Worden2, Jean-Lionel Lacour3,
Naoyuki Kurita4, 1Laboratoire de Météorologie Dynamique, Institut Pierre Simon
Laplace, Paris, France, 2Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of
Technology, Pasadena, USA, 3Spectroscopie de l’Atmosphère, Service de Chimie
Quantique et Photophysique, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium, 4Graduate
School of Environmental Studies, Nagoya University, Japan
SCI-PS245.04 - Quadrature methods for sub-grid microphysics statistical
Kenny Chowdhary1, Bert Debusschere1, Vince Larson2, Maher Salloum1,
1Sandia National Labs, Livermore, USA, 2University of Madison - Wisconsin,
Madison, USA
SCI-PS246 -
10:30 - 12:00
P&P - Year of Tropical Convection (YOTC)
Chair: Daehyun Kim
SCI-PS246.01 - GCMs with implicit and explicit representation of cloud
microphysics for simulation of extreme precipitation frequency
In-Sik Kang1, Young-Min Yang1, 1Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea
SCI-PS246.02 - Realistic initiation and dynamics of the Madden-Julian
Oscillation in a coarse resolution aquaplanet GCM
Ajaya Mohan Ravindran1, Boualem Khouider2, Andrew Majda3, 1New York
University, Abu Dhabi, UAE, 2University of Victoria, Victoria, Canada, 3New York
University, New York, USA
SCI-PS246.03 - Structure and dynamics of the MJO-related temperature,
vertical velocity and divergence fields
Ángel F. Adames1, John M. Wallace1, 1University of Washington, Seattle, USA
SCI-PS246.04 - Vertical structure and diabatic processes of the MJO: 2-day
Prince Xavier1, Jon Petch1, Duane Waliser2, Xianan Jiang2, Steve
Woolnough3, Nick Klingaman3, 1Met Office, UK, 2JPL, NASA, 3NCAS-Climate,
University of Reading, UK
SCI-PS247 -
10:30 - 12:00
WHI - Improved understanding of the synergies and sciencebased
needs of multi-hazard events
Chair: Paul Davies
SCI-PS247.01 - Translating weather forecasts into impact-relevant
information: Practice of impact-based forecast in weather forecast operation
Baode Chen1, Xu Tang2, 1Shanghai Typhoon Institute of CMA, Shanghai, China,
2WMO, Geneva, Switzerland
SCI-PS247.02 - Localized urban heat island development and associations
with air pollution and synoptic weather
Jennifer Vanos1, Aaron Hardin1, Laurence Kalkstein2, 1Texas Tech University,
Lubbock, USA, 2University of Miami, Miami, USA
SCI-PS247.03 - The WMO severe weather forecasting demonstration project
– bringing benefits of NWP to developing countries
Ken Mylne1, 1Met Office, Exeter, UK
11:40 SCI-PS247.04 - Integrating nowcasting with crisis management and risk
prevention in a transnational framework
Yong Wang1, Alexander Kann1, Franziska Strauss1, Ingo Meirod-Mautner1,
Benedikt Bica1, 1ZAMG, Vienna, Austria
SCI-PS248 -
10:30 - 12:00
P&P - Continental convective systems
Chair: Cathy Hohenegger
SCI-PS248.01 - Hail and the climate system: Large scale environment
relationships for the Continental United States 1979-2012
John Allen1, Michael Tippett2, Adam Sobel2,3, 1IRI, Columbia University,
Palisades, USA, 2Department of Applied Physics and Applied Mathematics,
Columbia University, New York, USA
SCI-PS248.02 - Using regional climate models to simulate extreme rainfall
events over South Africa
Babatunde Abiodun1, Sabina Abbar Omar1, 1University of Cape Town, Cape
Town, South Africa
SCI-PS248.03 - A sounding climatology and forecasting methodology using
self-organizing maps over Gauteng, South Africa
Liesl Dyson1, 1Department of Geography, Geoinformatics and Meteorology,
University of Pretoria, Pretoria, South Africa
SCI-PS248.04 - Orographic influence on convective triggering
Paola Salio1, Luciano Vidal2, 1CIMA-CONICET-UBA / DCAO UBA-FCEN /
UMI3351-CNRS-CONICET-UBA, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2CONICET, SMN,
Buenos Aires, Argentina
UAS-PA409 -
10:30 - 12:00
The impact of weather on human health and the influence of
weather information on health-related behaviour
Chair: Michel Jancloes
Ontario's Environmental Health Climate Change Framework
An integrated public health approach for extremes in Québec
Pierre Gosselin
The Impact of Weather on Human Health & the Influence of Weather Information on Health Behaviours
Carol Mee
SCI-PS249 -
12:30 - 14:00
ISS - Cryosphere-Ocean-Atmosphere, Coupling & Interaction
Chair: Diana Verseghy
SCI-PS249.01 - Snow cover physical properties and impacts on surface
atmospheric fluxes
Eric Brun1, 1Météo-France CNRM/GAME, Toulouse, France
SCI-PS249.02 - Foehn jets and their implications for the Larsen C Ice Shelf,
Andrew Elvidge1, Ian Renfrew1, John King2, Adrian Luckman3, Andrew Orr2,
Tom Lachlan-Cope2, Mark Weeks4, Sue Gray5, 1UEA, Norwich, UK, 2British
Antarctic Survey, Cambridge, UK, 3Swansea University, Swansea, UK, 4Met
Office, Exeter, UK, 5University of Reading, Reading, UK
SCI-PS249.03 - Parameterizing the effects of leads upon the atmosphere and
surface fluxes of the Arctic Ocean
Steven K. Krueger1, James R. Stoll1, Courtenay Strong1, Hongjie Xie2,
1University of Utah, Salt Lake City, USA, 2University of Texas, San Antonio, USA
SCI-PS249.04 - Connection between weakening of stratospheric polar vortex
and Pacific Decadal Oscillation
Sung-Ho Woo1, Jong-Seong Kug1, Mi-Kyung Sung2, Seok-Woo Son3, 1Pohang
University of Science and Technology, Pohang, South Korea, 2Korea Polar
Research Institute, Incheon, South Korea, 3Seoul National University, Seoul,
South Korea
SCI-PS250 -
12:30 - 14:00
NPE - Environmental Prediction Systems: Tropical Aspects
Chair: Jenni Evans
SCI-PS250.01 - Recent progresses of regional tropical cyclone numerical
prediction model in China
Yihong Duan1, Leiming Ma2, 1Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences,
Beijing, China, 2Shanghai Typhoon Institute, Shanghai, China
SCI-PS250.02 - Météo-France next generation NWP systems for tropical
overseas territories
Ghislain Faure1, Olivier Bousquet2, Soline Bielli2, David Barbary2, Philippe
Chambon1, 1Météo-France / CNRS CNRM-GAME, Toulouse, France,
2Laboratoire de l'Atmosphère et des Cyclones, CNRS / Météo-France / Université
de La Réunion, Saint-Denis de La Réunion, France
SCI-PS250.03 - The DACCIWA Project: Dynamics-Aerosol-Chemistry-Cloud
interactions in West Africa
Peter Knippertz1, 1Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Karlsruhe, Germany
SCI-PS250.04 - Assimilation of satellite-based temperature and moisture
soundings on mesoscale analyses and forecasts of tropical cyclone
Ting-Chi Wu1, Sharan Majumdar1, Hui Liu2, Jun Li3, Chris Velden3, Jeffrey
Anderson2, 1University of Miami, Miami, USA, 2National Center for Atmospheric
Research, Boulder, USA, 3University of Wisconsin-Madison, Cooperative Institute
for Meteorological Satellite Studies, Madison, USA
WHI - Improved understanding of the synergies and sciencebased
needs of multi-hazard events
Chair: Ken Mylne
SCI-PS251.01 - Mitigating the impact of weather hazards on aviation
Thomas Gerz1, 1Institute of Atmospheric Physics, DLR Oberpfaffenhofen,
Weßling, Germany
SCI-PS251.02 - Using TRMM precipitation estimates to understand landslide
occurrence in Papua New Guinea
Joanne Robbins1, 1Met Office, Exeter, UK
SCI-PS251.03 - FireWork: The Canadian air quality forecast system with online
wildfire emissions
Sylvain Ménard1, Radenko Pavlovic1, Jack Chen1, David Anselmo1, Paul-
André Beaulieu1, Mourad Sassi1, Sylvie Gravel1, Mike Moran1, Didier
Davignon1, 1Environnement Canada,Dorval, Canada (exceeds size limit)
SCI-PS251.04 - Reliability analysis for drought early warning in an ecological
Arman Ganji1, 1UQAM, Montreal, Canada
SCI-PS252 -
12:30 - 14:00
ODA - Coupled data assimilation and reanalyses
Chair: Dale Barker
SCI-PS252.01 - A case for strongly coupled data assimilation: impact of
scatterometer winds on ocean analyses
Sergey Frolov1, Craig Bishop2, Teddy Holt2, James Cummings3, David Kuhl4,
1UCAR, Monterey, USA, 2NRL, Monterey, USA, 3NRL, Stennis, USA, 4NRL,
Washington, USA
SCI-PS252.02 - The NCAR Community Earth System Model coupled data
assimilation system
Abhishek Chatterjee1, Alicia Karspeck1, Jeffrey Anderson1, Nancy Collins1,
Gokhan Danabasoglu1, Timothy Hoar1, Kevin Raeder1, Joseph Tribbia1,
1National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, USA
SCI-PS252.03 - A high-resolution reanalysis for the European CORDEX
Jan Keller1,2, Christian Ohlwein1,3, Andreas Hense3, Petra Friederichs3,
Susanne Crewell4, 1Hans-Ertel-Centre for Weather Research, Climate Monitoring
Branch, 2Deutscher Wetterdienst, Offenbach, Germany, 3University of Bonn,
Germany, 4University of Cologne, Germany
SCI-PS252.04 - Preparation of land surface dataset over India using High
Resolution Land Data Assimilation System (HRLDAS)
Hara Prasad Nayak1, Manabottam Mandal1, 1Centre for Oceans, Rivers,
Atmosphere and Land Sciences,Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, West
Bengal, India
SCI-PS253 -
12:30 - 14:00
ODA - Ocean and cryosphere observations and their
Chair: Peter Minnett
SCI-PS253.01 - Variational assimilation in a coastal ocean model using
another model's adjoint: the AVRORA-SHOC assimilation system
Chaojiao Sun1, Peter Oke2, Alexander Kurapov3, 1CSIRO Marine and
Atmospheric Research, Perth, Australia, 2CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric
Research, Hobart, Australia, 3College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences,
Oregon State University, Corvallis, USA
SCI-PS253.02 - Assimilation of VIS/NIR reflectance data into the detailed
snowpack model SURFEX/ISBA-Crocus
Luc Charrois1,2, Marie Dumont1, Emmanuel Cosme2, Matthieu Lafaysse1,
Samuel Morin1, Quentin Libois2, Ghislain Picard2, Laurent Arnaud2, 1Mété-
France/CNRS, CNRM-GAME, CEN, Grenoble, France, 2Université Joseph
Fourier, Grenoble 1, LGGE, Grenoble, France
SCI-PS253.03 - The CONCEPTS global ice-ocean prediction system:
Establishing an environmental prediction capability in Canada
Dorina Surcel Colan1, Gregory C. Smith2, Francois Roy2, Mateusz Reszka1,
Zhongjie He2, Fraser Davidson3, Hal Ritchie4, Youyu Lu5, Marie Drevillon6,
Benoit Tranchant7, 1Canadian Meteorological Centre, Environment Canada,
Dorval, CANADA, 2Meteorological Research Division, Environment Canada,
Dorval, CANADA, 3Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Centre, Fisheries and Oceans
Canada, St. John’s,CANADA, 4Meteorological Research Division, Environment
Canada, Dartmouth, CANADA, 5Bedford Institute of Oceanography, Fisheries and
Oceans Canada, Bedford,CANADA, 6Mercator-Océan, Toulouse, FRANCE,
7Collecte Localisation Spatiale (CLS),Toulouse, FRANCE
SCI-PS253.04 - Ensemble-variational sea ice data assimilation
Anna Shlyaeva1, Mark Buehner1, Alain Caya1, Jean-Francois Lemieux2,
Gregory Smith2, Francois Roy2, Tom Carrieres3, 1Data Assimilation and Satellite
Meteorology Research, Environment Canada, Dorval, Canada, 2Environmental
Numerical Prediction Research, Environment Canada, Dorval, Canada, 3Canadian
Ice Service, Environment Canada, Ottawa, Canada
SCI-PS254 -
12:30 - 14:00
P&P - Dynamics & predictability of middle latitude weather
systems & their higher and lower latitude interactions
Chair: Thomas Jung
SCI-PS254.01 - Moisture transport to Antarctica by extra-tropical cyclones as
simulated with OpenIFS
Victoria Sinclair1, Glenn Carver2, Timo Vihma3, Heikki Järvinen1, 1Department
of Physics, University of Helsinki. Helsinki, Finland, 2OpenIFS, Numerical Aspects,
ECMWF, Reading, UK, 3Finnish Meteorological Institute, Helsinki, Finland
SCI-PS254.02 - A multi-scale perspective of Arctic to tropical interactions for
a high impact event over Europe
Steven Cavallo1, Melvyn Shapiro2, 1University of Oklahoma School of
Meteorology, Norman, USA, 2NCAR, Boulder, USA
(exceeds size limit)
13:20 SCI-PS254.03 - An examination of the persistent Northern Hemisphere cold
pool during the winter of 2013-2014
Eyad Atallah1, John Gyakum1, 1McGill University, Montreal, Canada
SCI-PS254.04 - Dynamical coupling between high and low latitude regions
during 2009 sudden stratospheric warming event
Vinay Kumar1, Surendra Kumar Dhaka1, 1University of Delhi, Delhi, India
SCI-PS255 -
12:30 - 14:00
P&P - Numerical methods of the atmosphere & ocean
(including composition & boundary layer at all latitudes)
Chair: Hirofumi Tomita
SCI-PS255.01 - Earth's flattening: which impact for meteorology and
climatology ?
Pierre Bénard1, 1CNRM/GAME, Météo-France, Toulouse, France
SCI-PS255.02 - Sensitivity of short-range forecasting with the AROME model
to a modified semi-Lagrangian scheme and high-resolution.
Didier Ricard1, Sylvie Malardel2, Yann Seity1, 1CNRM-GAME, Météo-France
CNRS, Toulouse, France, 2ECMWF, Reading, UK
SCI-PS255.03 - Inherently mass-conservative semi-Lagrangian transport
scheme and global hydrostatic atmospheric model
Vladimir Shashkin1,2, Mikhail Tolstykh1,2, Rostislav Fadeev2,
1Hydrometeorological centre of Russia, Moscow, Russia, 2Institute of numerical
mathematics, Russian academy of sciences, Moscow, Russia
SCI-PS255.04 - Achieving seventh-order amplitude accuracy in leapfrog
Paul Williams1, 1University of Reading, Reading, UK
SCI-PS256 -
12:30 - 14:00
P&P - Stochastic forcing, Ensemble prediction systems and
Chair: Simon Lang
SCI-PS256.01 - Tigge Ensemble Forecasts with useful skill-spread
relationships for African Meningitis and Asia Streamflow Forecasting
Thomas Hopson1, 1NCAR, Boulder, USA (exceeds size limit)
SCI-PS256.02 - Predictability of wintertime Euro-Atlantic weather regimes in
medium-range forecasts
Mio Matsueda1, Tim Palmer1, 1University of Oxford, Oxford, UK
SCI-PS256.03 - How predictable was the 2014 North American cold wave in
medium-range forecasts?
Tetsuo Nakazawa1, Mio Matsueda2, 1WMO, Geneva, Switzerland, 2University of
Oxford, Oxford, UK
SCI-PS256.04 - Evaluation of TIGGE ensemble predictions of Northern
Hemisphere summer precipitation during 2008-2012
Huiling Yuan1,2, Xiang Su1, Yuejian Zhu3, Yan Luo3,4, Yuan Wang1, 1Key
Laboratory of Mesoscale Severe Weather/Ministry of Education and School of
Atmospheric Sciences, Nanjing University, Nanjing, China, 2Jiangsu Collaborative
Innovation Center for Climate Change, China, 3Environmental Modeling
Center/NCEP/NWS/NOAA, College Park, USA, 4I.M. Systems Group, Inc., College
Park, USA
SCI-PS257 -
12:30 - 14:00
Sub-grid parameterizations for the atmosphere and ocean
Chair: Andy Brown
SCI-PS257.01 - Unified convection parameterizations: A Stochastic Eddy-
Diffusivity/Mass-Flux (EDMF) approach
Joao Teixeira1, Kay Suselj1, Marcin Witek1, Kenta Suzuki1, 1JPL/Caltech,
Pasadena, USA
SCI-PS257.02 - Cloud subgrid-scale inhomogeneity in a climate model:
radiative impacts compared to satellites observations
Danahé Paquin-Ricard1, Paul A. Vaillancourt2, Jason N. S. Cole3, Howard W.
Barker4, 1University of Quebec in Montreal, Montreal, Canada, 2RPN,
Environment Canada, Dorval, Canada, 3CCCMA, Environment Canada, Toronto,
Canada, 4Cloud Physics, Environment Canada, Toronto, Canada
SCI-PS257.03 - A data-driven stochastic parameterization of deep convection
Jesse Dorrestijn1, Daan Crommelin1, Harm Jonker3, Frank Selten2, Pier
Siebesma2, 1CWI, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2KNMI, De Bilt, The
Netherlands, 3Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands
SCI-PS257.04 - Convection-permitting, multiscale modeling with the
HARMONIE forecast system
Piet Termonia1, Daan Degrauwe1, Jeanette Onvlee2, 1Royal Meterorological
Institute, Brussels, Belgium, 2KNMI, De Bilt, The Netherlands