WWOSC 2014_21
The World Weather Open Science Conference
(20 August 2014)
08:30 - 10:00 Joint Plenary Session Room
Chairs: Joanne Robbins and Mitchell Montcrieff
WW-JPL05.01 - Science-practice interface: interrogating climate
vulnerability, disaster reduction and urban resilience
Emma E. Porio1, Ateneo de Manila University, Manila, Philippines
10:30 - 12:00 -
ISS - Land-Atmosphere interactions and water cycle
Chair: Linda Schlemmer
SCI-PS201.04 - Terrestrial carbon fluxes and pools simulated with diurnal
variability in both photosynthesis and respiration
Bakr Badawy1, Vivek Arora2, Joe Melton2, Ray Nassar1, 1Climate Research
Division, Environment Canada, Toronto, Canada, 2Climate Research Division, Environment Canada,
Victoria, Canada
SCI-PS202 -
10:30 - 12:00
NPE - Environmental Prediction Systems: Tropical Aspects
Chair: Ghislain Faure
SCI-PS202.01 - The relative contribution of atmospheric and oceanic
uncertainty in TC intensity forecasts
Ryan Torn1, 1University at Albany, Albany, USA
SCI-PS203 -
10:30 - 12:00
NPE - Urban scale environmental prediction systems
Chair: Walt Dabberdt
SCI-PS203.03 - Advanced quantitative precipitation information systems for
urban regions
Robert Cifelli1, V. Chandrasekar2, Lynn Johnson2, David Reynolds3, Allen
White1, 1NOAA Earth System Research Laboratory, Boulder, USA, 2Cooperative Institute for Research
in the Atmosphere, Fort Collins, USA, 3Cooperative Institute
for Research in Environmental Sciences, Boulder, USA
SCI-PS203.04 - Dispersion modeling of particulate matter concentration
reductions due to alternative aviation fuels
James Keehn1, Donald Hagen1, 1Missouri University of Science and Technology,
Rolla, United States of America
SCI-PS204 -
10:30 - 12:00
ODA - Data assimilation methodology and diagnostic tools
Chair: Craig Bishop
SCI-PS204.01 - A unifying framework for hybrid data-assimilation schemes
Peter Jan van Leeuwen1, 1University of Reading, Reading, UK
SCI-PS205 -
10:30 - 12:00
ODA - Observations and assimilation of atmospheric constituents
Chair: Mariusz Pagowski
SCI-PS205.02 - The GEOS-5 aerosol forecasting and data assimilation system
Arlindo da Silva1, Peter Colarco1, Anton Darmenov1, Virginie Buchard1,2,
Oreste Reale1,2, 1NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, USA,
2GESTAR/Universities Space Research Association, Greenbelt, USA (exceeds size limit)
SCI-PS205.03 - Aerosol optical properties assimilation from low-earth
orbiting and geostationary satellites: Impacts on regional forecasts
Pablo Saide1, Gregory Carmichael1, Chul Song2, Jhoon Kim3, Arlindo da
Silva4, Johnathan Hair5, 1The University of Iowa, Center for Global & Regional Environmental
Research, Iowa City, USA, 2Gwangju Inst. Sci. & Tech, Gwangju,
Korea, 3Yonsei University, Global Environment Laboratory, Dept. of Atmospheric
Sciences, Seoul, Korea, 4NASA Global Modeling and Assimilation Office, Greenbelt, USA, 5NASA
Langley Research Center, Langley, Hampton, USA
SCI-PS205.04 - Enhancing the Barcelona Supercomputing Center chemical
transport model with aerosol data assimilation
Enza Di Tomaso1, Nick Schutgens2, Oriol Jorba1, George S. Markomanolis1,
1Earth Sciences Department, Barcelona Supercomputing Center, Spain,
2Atmospheric Oceanic and Planetary Physics, Univerisity of Oxford, UK
SCI-PS206 -
10:30 - 12:00
P&P - Dynamics & predictability of middle latitude weather systems & their higher and
lower latitude interactions
Chair: Helen Dacre
SCI-PS206.03 - OKJ circulation pattern and 721 heavy rainfall
Yafei Wang1, Jianzhao Qin1, 1Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences, Beijing, China
SCI-PS206.04 - A new method for Tropopause Folding Detection and its
application in middle-latitude disastrous weather
Yixuan Shou1,2, Feng Lu1, Shaowen Shou2, Danyu Qin1, 1Key Laboratory of Radiometric Calibration and
Validation for Environmental Satellites, China Meteorological Administration (LRCVES/CMA)National
Satellite Meteorological
Center, China, 2Key Laboratory of Meteorological Disaster, Ministry of Education
and Jiangsu Province, Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology, Nanjing
SCI-PS207 -
10:30 - 12:00
P&P - Stochastic forcing, Ensemble prediction systems and TIGGE
Chair: Tetsuo Nakazawa
SCI-PS207.02 - Issues in the initial conditions error sampling within PEARP
Pierrick Cébron1, Carole Labadie1, 1Météo France, Toulouse, France
SCI-PS207.03 - A climatology of ECMWF ensemble hurricane track forecast
Travis Elless1, Ryan Torn1, 1Univerisity at Albany, Albany, USA
SCI-PS207.04 - ENSO prediction using Multi-ocean Analysis Ensembles (MAE)
with NCEP CFSv2: Deterministic skill and reliability
Jieshun Zhu1, Bohua Huang2, Lawrence Marx1, James L. Kinter III2,
Magdalena A. Balmaseda3, Zeng-Zhen Hu4, Rong-Hua Zhang5, Peitao Peng4,
1COLA, Fairfax, USA, 2GMU, Fairfax, USA, 3ECMWF, Reading, UK,
4CPC/NCEP/NOAA, College Park, USA, 5ESSIC/UMD, College Park, USA
SCI-PS208 -
10:30 - 12:00
P&P - Sub-grid parameterizations for the atmosphere and ocean
Chair: Martin Miller
SCI-PS208.01 - Sub-grid parameterization in global atmospheric models:
Progress and prospects
Anton Beljaars1, 1ECMWF, Reading, UK
SCI-PS209 -
10:30 - 12:00
P&P - Tropical cyclones and tropical convection
Chair: Julia Keller
SCI-PS209.01 - Air-sea interactions in tropical cyclones
Lynn Shay1, 1RSMAS/University of Miami, Miami, USA
SCI-PS209.03 - The effect of land-sea contrast on tropical cyclone track
and structure
Johnny Chan1, 1School of Energy an Environment, City University of Hong Kong
SCI-PS209.04 - Mixture -based partitioning of operational ensemble
forecasts for hurricane Sandy (2013)
Jenni Evans1, Alex M. Kowaleski1, 1Pennsylvania State University, University
Park, USA
SCI-PS210 -
10:30 - 12:00
S2S - Subseasonal to Seasonal (S2S) Prediction Project
Chair: Paul Kushner
SCI-PS211 -
10:30 - 12:00
P&P - Continental convective systems
Chair: John Allen
SCI-PS211.03 - Assessment of hailstorms in WRF weather simulations over
Switzerland in summer 2012.
Andrey Martynov1, Luca Nisi1,2, Olivia Martius1, 1Institute of Geography and
Oeschger Centre for Climate Change Research, University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland, 2Federal Office
of Meteorology and Climatology MeteoSwiss, Locarno-Monti, Switzerland
SCI-PS211.04 - The role of moist convection in the West African Monsoon
John Marsham1, Cathryn Birch2, Douglas Parker1, Peter Knippertz3, Nick Dixon1, Luis
Garcia-Carreras4, Grenville Lister5, 1University of Leeds, Leeds, UK, 2Met Office/University of
Leeds, Leeds, UK, 3Institute for Meteorology and Climate Research, Karlsruhe, Germany, 4University
of Stockholm, Stockholm, Sweden, 5University of Reading, NCAS, Reading, UK
SCI-PS212 -
10:30 - 12:00
WHI - Improved understanding of and techniques for decision making
Chair: Pertti Nurmi
UAS-PA407 -
10:30 - 12:00
Special Session / Panel on the future of the weather enterprise
Chair: Neil Gordon
UAS-PA 407.01 - Weather Enterprise Trends and the Need
for Standardized & Open Access to
Observations & Government Services
Michael D. Eilts
UAS-PA 407.02 - SV Meets Wx
UAS-PA 407.03 - The Future of the Weather
Barry Lee Myers
UAS-PA 407.04 - Operational NWP by a Canadian University
Prof. Roland Stull
UAS-PA 407.05 - Meteorological applications and numerical models becoming increasingly accurate
SCI-PS213 -
13:30 - 15:00
ISS - Land-Atmosphere interactions and water cycle
Chair: Gianpaolo Balsamo
SCI-PS213.02 - CLASS application in western Africa
Diana Verseghy1, 1Environment Canada, Toronto, Canada
SCI-PS213.04 - Trends in summer rainfall over China associated with the
Tibetan Plateau thermal forcing
Anmin Duan1, Ziqian Wang1, Meirong Wang1, 1LASG/IAP/CAS, Beijing, China
SCI-PS214 -
13:30 - 15:00
P&P - Tropical cyclones and tropical convection
Chair: Fuqing Zhang
SCI-PS214.01 - Variability of tropical cyclone activity
Suzana Camargo1, 1Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Columbia University, Palisades,USA
SCI-PS214.03 - Spiral rainbands in numerical simulations of tropical
cyclones under vertical wind shear
Yumin Moon1, George Bryan1, 1NCAR, Boulder, CO, USA
SCI-PS215 -
13:30 - 15:00
NPE - Urban scale environmental prediction systems
Chair: James Keehn
SCI-PS215.01 - Adapting cities to climate change: a systemic modelling
Valery Masson1, Aude Lemonsu1, Marion Bonhomme2, Genevieve Bretagne3,
Stephane Hallegatte4, Thomas Houet5, Marie-Pierre Moine6, Gregoire Pigeon1, Jean-Luc Salagnac7,
Vincent Viguie8, 1METEO-FRANCE, Toulouse,
France, 2Laboratory of Research in Architecture, Toulouse, France, 3Urban Planning Agency of
Toulouse, Toulouse, France, 4International Research Center
on Environment and Development, Vincennes, France & World Bank, Washington, USA, 5Environmental
Geography Laboratory, Toulouse, France, 6CERFACS, Toulouse, France, 7CSTB, Marne-La-Vallee, France,
8International Research Center on Environment and Development, Vincennes, France (exceeds size limit)
SCI-PS216 -
13:30 - 15:00
ODA - Observations and assimilation of atmospheric constituents
Chair: Richard Menard
SCI-PS216.03 - Studying impacts of the Saharan Air Layer on hurricane
development using WRF-Chem/EnKF
Yongsheng Chen1, Jianyu Liang1, 1York University, Toronto,Canada
SCI-PS216.04 - Experimenting with the LETKF in a dispersion model coupled
with the Lorenz 96 model
Felix Carrasco1,2, Juan Ruiz1,2, Celeste Saulo1,2, Axel Osses3,4, 1Centro de
Investigaciones del Mar y la Atmósfera, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2Departamento de Ciencias de la
Atmósfera y los Océanos, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 3Center for Mathematical Modeling, Santiago,
Chile, 4Department of Mathematical
Engineering, Santiago, Chile
SCI-PS217 -
13:30 - 15:00
P&P - Continental convective systems
Chair: Aida Diongue-Niang
SCI-PS217.02 - Evaluation of diurnal scale precipitation and associated
cloud and dynamical processes in observations and models
Malay Ganai1, P. Mukhopadhyay1, Phani Muralikrishna1, M. Mahakur1, 1Indian
Institute of Tropical Meteorology, Pune, India
SCI-PS217.03 - RELAMPAGO and SAME-PACE: Extreme storms that impact society
in Southeastern South America
Steve Nesbitt1, Paola Salio2, Daniel Cecil3, Rene Garreaud4, Robert Houze5,
Kristen Rasmussen5, Adam Varble6, Luiz Machado7, David Gochis8, Steven Goodman9, 1University of
Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, USA,
2CIMA/University of Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 3NASA Marshall Space Flight Center,
Huntsville, USA, 4University of Chile, Santiago, Chile,
5University of Washington, Seattle, USA, 6University of Utah, Salt Lake City, USA,
7National Institute for Space Research, Sao Jose dos Campos, Brazil, 8National Center for
Atmospheric Research, Boulder, USA, 9NESDIS/National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration, Greenbelt, USA
SCI-PS218 -
13:30 - 15:00
P&P - Dynamics & predictability of middle latitude weather systems & their higher and
lower latitude interactions
Chair: Olivia Martius
SCI-PS218.03 - Diabatic Rossby-Waves in the northern and southern
Maxi Boettcher1, Heini Wernli1, 1ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland
SCI-PS218.04 - Large-scale surface wind extremes in the Mediterranean
Shira Raveh-Rubin1, Heini Wernli1, 1Institute for Atmospheric and Climate Science, Department of
Environmental Sciences, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
SCI-PS219 -
13:30 - 15:00
P&P - Numerical methods of the atmosphere & ocean
(including composition & boundary layer at all latitudes)
Chair: Jean Côté
SCI-PS219.01 - Numerical techniques of cloud resolving model and Large Eddy
Simulation on the future HPC system
Hirofumi Tomita1, 1RIKEN, Japan
SCI-PS220 -
13:30 - 15:00
P&P - Stochastic forcing, Ensemble prediction systems and TIGGE
Chair: Thomas Hopson
13:30 SCI-PS220.01 - Revisiting predictability of the strongest storms that hit
France over the past 30 years.
Marie Boisserie1, Laurent Descamps1, Philippe Arbogast1, 1Météo-France,
Toulouse, France
14:00 SCI-PS220.02 - Main characteristics and performance of COSMO-LEPS
Andrea Montani1, Tiziana Paccagnella1, Chiara Marsigli1, 1ARPA-SIMC, Bologna, Italy
14:20 SCI-PS220.03 - Optimizing the COSMO-DE Ensemble towards renewable energies Jonas von Schumann1, Regina Kohlhepp1, Andrea Steiner1, Bodo Ritter1, Carmen Köhler1, 1Deutscher Wetterdienst, Offenbach, Germany
14:40 SCI-PS220.04 - Multi-model EPS–GLAMEPS: configuration and performance for
polar lows and the Sochi Olympics
Inger-Lise Frogner1, John Bjørnar Bremnes1, Alex Deckmyn2, Trond Iversen1,
Thomas Nipen1, Kai Sattler3, Andrew T. Singleton1, Xiaohua Yang3,
1Norwegian Meteorological Institute, Oslo, Norway, 2Royal Meteorological Institute, Ukkel, Belgium,
3Danish Meteorological Institute, Copenhagen, Denmark
13:30 - 15:00
P&P - Sub-grid parameterizations for the atmosphere and ocean
Chair: Anton Beljaars
SCI-PS222 -
13:30 - 15:00
P&P - Year of Tropical Convection (YOTC)
Chair: Steven Woolnough
SCI-PS222.01 - The skeleton and muscle of tropical intraseasonal
Andrew Majda1, 1New York University, New York, USA
SCI-PS222.04 - Testing the Yang and Ingersoll dynamical paradigm of the MJO
Da Yang1, Mike Pritchard2, 1Caltech, Pasadena, US, 2UC Irvine, Irvine, US
SCI-PS223 -
13:30 - 15:00
WHI - Improved understanding of and techniques for decision making
Chair: Kevin Petty
SCI-PS223.01 - Improved understanding of and techniques for decision-
making - making effective decisions from uncertain forecasts
Ken Mylne1, 1Met Office, Exeter, UK
SCI-PS223.02 - Using Geographic Information Systems to bridge communication
gaps among users of NWS weather forecast information
Jack Settelmaier1, 1NOAA/National Weather Service, Fort Worth, USA
UAS-PA408 -
13:30 - 15:00
Special Session / Panel on the future of the weather enterprise
Chair: Jack Hayes
Collaboration Public, Private and University
Sectors For Improved Weather Services
Dr. Harinder P.S. Ahluwalia
The Association of Hydro-Meteorological Equipment Industry
Brian Day
The Role of Scientific and
Professional Societies in the
William B. Gail
NWS Strategic Outcome: A Weather-Ready Nation
UAS-PS329 -
13:30 - 15:00
Case studies in communicating warnings and advice
Chair: Jane Rovins
UAS-PS329.01 - Developing effective warning systems for hazards: Lessons
for weather from volcano warnings in New Zealand
Sally Potter1, Gill Jolly2, Vincent Neall3, David Johnston1, 1GNS Science, Lower
Hutt, New Zealand, 2GNS Science, Wairakei, New Zealand, 3Massey University, Palmerston North, New
UAS-PS329.04 - Prepare now to survive the next tornado
Cheryl Nelson1, 1Mrs. Virginia International/Meteorologist, Smithfield, Virginia, USA
UAS-PS330 -
13:30 - 15:00
Hydrometeorological disaster and hazard event case studies
Chair: Paul Kovacs
UAS-PS330.01 - Cusco floods in 2010
Laura Paccini Peña1, Luis Orihuela Pinto1, 1Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina, Lima, Perú
SCI-PS224 -
16:30 - 18:00
NPE - Environmental Prediction Systems: Tropical Aspects
Chair: Masaki Satoh
SCI-PS224.01 - Challenges for numerical weather prediction in the tropics
Aida Diongue-Niang1, 1ANACIM, Dakar, Senegal
SCI-PS224.02 - Forecasting storms over East Africa using a 4km model
Caroline Bain1, Douglas Boyd1, 1Met Office, Exeter, UK(exceeds size limit)
SCI-PS225 -
16:30 - 18:00
NPE - Urban scale environmental prediction systems
Chair: Greg Carmichael
SCI-PS225.02 - Modelling London with high resolution versions of the
Unified Model
Humphrey Lean1, 1Met Office, Reading, UK
SCI-PS225.04 - Multiple effects of urban area on reinforcement of
Tadao Inoue1, 1Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology,
Yokohama, Japan
SCI-PS226 -
16:30 - 18:00
ODA - Coupled data assimilation and reanalyses
Chair: Patrick Laloyaux
SCI-PS226.02 - The JRA-55 reanalysis: general specifications and basic
Kazutoshi Onogi1, 1Japan Meteorological Agency, Tokyo, Japan
SCI-PS226.03 - ERA-CLIM: Developing reanalyses of the coupled climate
Dick Dee1, 1ECMWF, Reading, UK
SCI-PS226.04 - Regional reanalysis at the Met Office
Dale Barker1, Richard Renshaw1, Peter Jermey1, 1Met Office, Exeter, UK
SCI-PS227 -
16:30 - 18:00
WHI - Improved understanding of and techniques for decision making
Chair: Xu Tang
SCI-PS227.02 - Impact and risk of coastal-related hazard on lives,
livelihood, property and economy
Paul Davies1, 1Met Office,Exeter, UK
SCI-PS227.04 - Will climate change increase transatlantic aviation
Paul Williams1, Manoj Joshi2, 1University of Reading, Reading, UK, 2University of
East Anglia, Norwich, UK
SCI-PS228 -
16:30 - 18:00
P&P - Continental convective systems
Chair: Richard Rotunno
SCI-PS228.01 - An ensemble study of HyMeX IOP6 and IOP7a
Evelyne Richard1, Alan Hally2, Véronique Ducrocq2, 1University of Toulouse, CNRS, Toulouse, France,
2Météo-France, Toulouse, France
SCI-PS228.02 - A systematic approach to identifying and characterizing
atmospheric bores and other fine-line features during IHOP_2002
Kevin Haghi1, David Parsons1, 1University of Oklahoma, Norman, USA
SCI-PS229 -
16:30 - 18:00
P&P - Dynamics & predictability of middle latitude weather systems & their higher and
lower latitude interactions
Chair: Gwendal Riviere
SCI-PS229.02 - A climatology of extreme cyclone growth processes in the
North Atlantic Basin
John Gyakum1, Bryn Ronalds1, Shawn Milrad2, Eyad Atallah1, 1McGill
University, Montreal, Canada, 2Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Daytona Beach, USA (exceeds size limit)
SCI-PS229.03 - Sub-seasonal clustering of extreme precipitation events
Yannick Barton1, Paraskevi Giannakaki1, Clément Chevalier1, Stephan Pfahl2, Harald von Waldow2,
Olivia Martius1, 1OCCR, Institute of Geography, Mobiliar Lab, University of Bern, Bern,
Switzerland, 2Institute for Atmospheric and Climate
Science, ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland
SCI-PS230 -
16:30 - 18:00
P&P - Numerical methods of the atmosphere & ocean
(including composition & boundary layer at all latitudes)
Chair: Pierre Benard
SCI-PS230.01 - Advancing the frontiers of tropical cyclone modeling with
the Variable-Resolution General Circulation Model CAM-SE
Christiane Jablonowski1, Colin M. Zarzycki1, Mark A. Taylor2, 1University of
Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA, 2Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, USA
SCI-PS230.02 - Global ocean-atmosphere modeling on unstructured meshes
Rainer Bleck1,2, Shan Sun1, Stan Benjamin1, 1NOAA Earth System Research Lab, Boulder, USA, 2NASA
Goddard Institute for Space Studies, New York, USA
SCI-PS230.03 - Non-hydrostatic dynamical core for the Russian SL-AV model:
Overview and first results
Rostislav Fadeev1, Mikhail Tolstykh0, 1Institute of Numerical Mathematics RAS,
Moscow, Russia, 2Hydrometcentre of Russia, Moscow, Russia (exceeds size limit)
SCI-PS230.04 - Arctic tropopause in MPAS-A, WRF, and GFS
Nicholas Szapiro1, Steven Cavallo1, 1University of Oklahoma, Norman, USA
16:30 - 18:00
P&P - Stochastic forcing, Ensemble prediction systems and TIGGE
Chair: George Craig
SCI-PS232 -
16:30 - 18:00
P&P - Sub-grid parameterizations for the atmosphere and ocean
Chair: Christine Lac
SCI-PS232.01 - Ocean model parameterizations relevant to weather prediction
Bill Large1, Gokhan Danabasoglu1, 1NCAR, Boulder, USA
SCI-PS232.04 - Anticipating some future challenges for operational
parameterizations in high resolution Numerical Weather Prediction
Radmila Brozkova1, Jan Masek1, Ivan Bastak-Duran1, Jean-Francois Geleyn2,
1Czech Hydrometeorological Institute, Prague, Czech Republic, 2Meteo-France, Toulouse, France
SCI-PS233 -
16:30 - 18:00
P&P - Year of Tropical Convection (YOTC)
Chair: Mitch Moncrieff
SCI-PS234 -
16:30 - 18:00
ISS - Cryosphere-Ocean-Atmosphere, Coupling & Interaction
Chair: Martin Charron
SCI-PS234.01 - A review of the technologies and algorithms used to couple
earth system model components
Sophie Valcke1, 1Centre Européen de Recherche et de Formation Avancée en Calcul Scientifique
(CERFACS), Toulouse, France
SCI-PS234.02 - Coupling sub-systems at NCEP
Michael Ek1, 1Environmental Modeling Center, NCEP/NWS/NOAA, College Park, USA
UAS-PS331 -
16:30 - 18:00
Health and biometeorological applications
Chair: Jennifer Spinney
UAS-PS331.01 - Modelling support for Canadian air quality regulations and
Sophie Cousineau1, 1Environnement Canada, Dorval, Canada
UAS-PS331.02 - Bioclimatic extreme and population health in the coastal
cities of Benin (West Africa)
Nouvêwa Patrice M. Boko1, Expédit Vissin1, Krysztof Blasejczyk2, Christophe
Houssou1, 1Laboratoire Pierre PAGNEY, Climat, Eau, Ecosystèmes et Développement (LACEEDE),
Université d’Abomey-Calavi (Bénin), 2Institute of
Geography and Spatial Organization PAN, Varsovie, (Pologne)
UAS-PS331.03 - Weather forecasts and winter recreation decisions
Michelle Rutty1, Jean Andrey1, 1University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Canada
UAS-PS332 -
16:30 - 18:00
Weather knowledge in support of disaster preparedness, response, recovery, and
Chair: Amber Silver
UAS-PS332.02 - The effect of climate change adaptation on rural community
Nelson Ssemambo1, Mathew Buyondo2, Richard Lule3, 1Regional Climate
Change Support Initiative (RCCSI), Kyotera, Uganda, 2Foundation for Rural Community Empowerment
(FORCE), Kalisizo, Uganda, 3Makerere University,
Kampala, Uganda
UAS-PS332.03 - Community participation in disaster risk reduction and
management (DRM): Toward an integrated framework
Jason MacLean1, 1Lakehead University, Faculty of Law, Thunder Bay, ON,