Flash Flood Guidance System (FFGS) Global Workshop
Since the implementation of the FFGS, more than 50 % of the countries have, for the first time, access to real time products that enable them to issue timely and accurate flash flood warnings and make rapid assessments of the potential of flash floods, allowing for rapid mobilization of response agencies.
As of November 2019, the FFGS covers 67 countries with a population of approximately 3 billion people.
The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) in partnership with the U.S. Agency for International Development/Office of the U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance (USAID/OFDA), the National Weather Service (U.S. NWS)of the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), and the Hydrologic Research Center (HRC) is organizing a Flash Flood Guidance System (FFGS) Global Workshop.
The goal of the Global Workshop is to bring together the users of the regional and national FFG Systems to build a roadmap on maintaining the sustainability of operations for FFGS.
- Antalya Statement
- Final Proceedings of the Flash Flood Guidance System Global Workshop
- Flash Flood Guidance Gazette
- Final Agenda
- List of Participants
- RCs Meeting
- Day 1 presentations
- Day 2 presentations
- Day 3 presentations
- Day 4 presentations
- Day 5 presentations
- THEMATIC GROUP I: Input Data and Forecasts
- THEMATIC GROUP II A: Case studies with lessons on use of FFGS operational
products - POSTERS: THEMATIC GROUP II B: FFGS Operational use by forecasters and training
- POSTERS: THEMATIC GROUP III: FFGS Products and Flash Flood Validation
- POSTERS: THEMATIC GROUP IV: Interaction and Suport for Disaster Management Agencies
- Download all photos (zip folder ~80 MB)