Aviation | Governance | ET-ETC
Expert Team on Education, Training and Competency
A subsidiary body of the Standing Committee on Services for Aviation (SC-AVI)
Jump to: Purpose | Composition | Operating Plan | Reports | FileCloud Collaboration Platform
To contribute to the provision of high-quality and cost-effective aeronautical meteorological services worldwide by developing, maintaining and promoting WMO education and training, competency and qualification standards in aeronautical meteorology and supporting the production and delivery of associated guidance, outreach and other resources.
First name LAST NAME | Role | Nominated by | Affiliation |
Kathy-Ann CAESAR | Co-Chair | British Caribbean Territories | Caribbean Institute for Meteorology and Hydrology |
Karine DUMAS | Co-Chair | Canada | Meteorological Service of Canada |
Lyndon ALVES | Core Expert | Guyana | Hydrometeorological Service |
Harrison (Harry) BURNS-FABB | Core Expert | Australia | Bureau of Meteorology |
Jan Hendrik (Jannie) STANDER | Core Expert | South Africa | South African Weather Service |
Claudia STOCKER | Core Expert | Switzerland | MeteoSwiss |
Turgut ÜNAL | Core Expert | Türkiye | Turkish State Meteorological Service |
Rebecca CHEWITT-LUCAS | Associate Expert | British Caribbean Territories | Caribbean Institute for Meteorology and Hydrology |
Erika HAYAMI | Associate Expert | Japan | Japan Meteorological Agency |
Operating Plan
The Operating Plan of ET-ETC comprising the objectives, modalities of work, groups of relevance, expected outputs and activities is available here.
The ET-ETC convenes quarterly video-teleconferences and, when required, periodic face-to-face meetings. The reports arising from the face-to-face meetings are publicly available here.
FileCloud Collaboration Platform
The ET-ETC FileCloud collaboration platform (member access only) is accessible here.
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