3rd DWAT Workshop

The Ministry of Environment of Republic of Korea has been working closely with the World Meteorological Organization to enhance water resources assessment and management capacities at the global level. For this purpose, the Republic of Korea developed DWAT, Dynamic Water Resources Assessment Tool (DWAT), designed to help water resource managers and policy specialists identify current and future water management challenges, and compare those with current and past water resources availability.
DWAT helps improve understanding of the impacts of past and present water management practices on water resources, as well as the interactions between climate, water and landscape. The tool can be used to assess water resources at the operational level in all 192 WMO Member countries.
A DWAT training was performed with experts across several WMO regions, where they were able to apply the tool in a basin of importance to their country. A 3rd DWAT Workshop was held on 9-10 June 2021 to share the results of their assessments, understand how the tool can be applied under different basin characteristics and showcase functionalities of DWAT.
The Workshop welcomed more than 80 participants across all WMO Regions. It took place from 7am to 9am CEST on 9 June and 7am to 10am CEST on 10 June 2021.
Presentations of the workshop are available below, please click on the links of the agenda to access them.
Links to join the meeting DWAT Technical note
Report of the meeting
Day 1 (9 June 07:00-09:00am CEST, GMT+2)
- Opening remarks (HRFCO-ME, KICT, WMO H/HWR, SC-HYD chair, RAII RHA)
- Introduction of speakers (HRFCO-ME)
- Introduction of Workshop (Mr Seo, HRFCO-ME)
- Progress of DWAT development (Dr Jang, KICT)
- Activities regarding DWAT application and SERCOM (Dr Reshev, WMO SC-HYD)
- Customed Water Use Management Strategy (Dr Cha, WMO SC-ON)
- Q&A
Day 2 (10 June 07:00-10:00am CEST, GMT+2)
- Result of DWAT pre-meetings (Dr Kim, KICT)
- Result of DWAT Application in:
- Las Ceibas basin, Colombia (Prof Rodriguez)
- Santa Lucía basin, Argentina (Ms Suriano)
- RA VI and I:
- RA II:
- Damchu basin, Bhutan (Ms Choki)
- Discussion on results and future improvements
- Workshop closure
Photo of participants