Second Meeting of the Standing Committee on Services for Aviation (SC-AVI-2)

Second Meeting (SC-AVI-2)
29 March to 1 April 2022, Hybrid (Physical in Geneva and Virtual using MS Teams)
27 April 2022 Addendum (Virtual using MS Teams)
Jump to: Introduction | Meeting Information | Work Plan and Working Documentation | Final Report
The second meeting of the Standing Committee on Services for Aviation (SC-AVI-2) took place as a hybrid session (physical and virtual presence) from 29 March to 1 April 2022. An Addendum to the meeting will take place on 27 April 2022.
The objective of the meeting was to discuss and coordinate the activities of SC-AVI, including its subsidiary bodies, and other issues of relevance including operating plans and collaboration with partner international organizations.
Meeting Information
A provisional agenda, including annotated agenda and order of business, is available here as Doc. 1.2 (Issued 13 December 2021 and updated 6 January 2022).
Working arrangements for the meeting are available here as INF. 1.3.
Work Plan and Working Documentation
Download templates here: Document (Doc) | Information Paper (INF) | Presentation (PPT)
Order of Business (subject to change)
SESSION 1: Tuesday 29 March 2022, 1000-1315 UTC
Agenda Item | Doc./INF/Other | Title | Timing (UTC) |
1.1 | -- | Opening of the meeting | 1000 |
1.2 | Doc. 1.2 | Approval of the agenda | 1005 |
1.3 | INF. 1.3 | Working arrangements | 1010 |
2 | PPT. 2 | Report of the Chair of SC-AVI [Ian] | 1015 |
3.8 |
Doc. 3.8 and |
Thematic Coordinator on Gender Mainstreaming progress report [Claudia] | 1040 |
3.9 | Doc. 3.9 / PPT. 3.9 |
Thematic Coordinator on Communications and Outreach progress report [Marina] | 1105 |
Break | 1130 | ||
3.3 | Expert Team on the Impacts of Climate Change and Variability on Aviation (ET-CCV) progress report and operating plan [Lei & Ping] | 1145 | |
3.5 | PPT. 3.5 | Thematic Coordinators on Strategy and Governance progress report [Kent & Kaspar] | 1215 |
3.6 |
Doc. 3.6 plus Attachment containing LTP update Draft A: [Tracked-changes] .docx | .pdf |
Task Team on the Long-Term Plan for Aeronautical Meteorology (TT-LTP) progress report and proposed update to the Long-Term Plan for Aeronautical Meteorology (LTP-AeM) [Kent & Kaspar] | 1235 |
Close of Session 1 and look-ahead to Session 2 | 1315 |
SESSION 2: Wednesday 30 March 2022, 1000-1315 UTC
Agenda Item | Doc./INF/Other | Title | Timing (UTC) |
3.7 | Thematic Coordinators on Capacity Development progress report [James, Wilfred & Rodrigo] | 1000 | |
3.1 | Expert Team on Education, Training and Competency (ET-ETC) progress report and operating plan [Kathy-Ann & Andrea] | 1030 | |
4.1 |
Proposed amendment to WMO-No. 49, Volume I and update to WMO-No. 1209 addressing aeronautical meteorological personnel competency and qualification [Kathy-Ann & Andrea] Note, INF. 4.1 provides an overview of the feedback from the Capacity Development Panel (CDP) Note, XLS. 4.1(1) and XLS. 4.1(2) provide consolidated feedback from SC-AVI members on WMO-No. 49, Volume I and WMO-No. 1209 respectively Note, PPT. 4.1 provides an ET-ETC response to the consolidated feedback on WMO-No. 49, Volume I and WMO-No. 1209 given in XLS. 4.1(1) and XLS. 4.1(2) respectively |
1100 | |
Break | 1130 | ||
3.2 |
plus Attachment containing Operating Plan update: |
Expert Team on Aeronautical Meteorological Hazards Science (ET-MHS) progress report and operating plan [Sharon & Matt] | 1145 |
3.10 | Progress report on Phase 2 of the Aviation Research and Development Project (AvRDP2) [Stephanie] | 1215 | |
Close of Session 2 and look-ahead to Session 3 | 1315 |
SESSION 3: Thursday 31 March 2022, 1000-1315 UTC
Agenda Item | Doc./INF/Other | Title | Timing (UTC) |
3.4 | Doc. 3.4 | Advisory Group on Volcanic Sciences for Applications (AG-VSA) progress report and operating plan [Ian] | 1000 |
4.2 |
Doc. 4.2 plus Attachment .docx | .pdf |
Proposed update to WMO-No. 732 addressing service delivery [Greg] Note, INF. 4.2 provides an annotation of WMO-No. 731 Note, XLS. 4.2 provides consolidated feedback from SC-AVI members on WMO-No. 732 |
1010 |
4.3 |
Proposed update to WMO-No. 904 addressing cost recovery [Greg] Note, XLS. 4.3 provides consolidated feedback from SC-AVI members on WMO-No. 904 |
1035 | |
Break | 1130 | ||
5.1 | PPT. 5.1 | WMO contribution to ICAO Meteorology Panel (METP), Airport Economics Panel/Air Navigation Services Economics Panel (AEP/ANSEP) and Committee on Aviation Environmental Protection (CAEP) and their subsidiary bodies [Greg & Stephanie] | 1145 |
5.2 | PPT. 5.2 | Status of the reform of ICAO METP and its subsidiary bodies [Pat & Bill/Yong & Jun] | 1200 |
5.3 | INF. 5.3 | Progress report on the update to the working arrangements between WMO and ICAO [Greg] | 1230 |
5.4 | PPT. 5.4 | Coordination between WMO and other aviation stakeholders such as International Air Transport Association (IATA), Airports Council International (ACI) and the European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) [Greg & Stephanie] | 1240 |
5.5 |
PPT. 5.5(1) on ERA/RRM PPT. 5.5(2) on RRR/SoG-Aero PPT. 5.5(3) on IWXXM PPT. 5.5(4) on ABO PPT. 5.5(5) on WIS |
Coordination needs, if any, arising from SC-AVI Technical Focal Points [Ian] | 1250 |
4.4 | Discontinuation of WMO-No. 49, Volume II and potential consequential amendments or updates [Greg] | 1300 | |
Close of Session 3 and look-ahead to Session 4 | 1315 |
SESSION 4: Friday 1 April 2022, 1000-1315 UTC
Agenda Item | Doc./INF/Other | Title | Timing (UTC) |
4.4 | (Continued from Session 3) | 1000 | |
3.6 | (Continued from Session 1) | 1025 | |
6.1 | PPT. 6.1 | Risk identification and mitigation associated with the work of SC-AVI [Ian] | 1045 |
6.2 | Doc. 6.2 plus Attachment .docx | .pdf | Review of the terms of reference of SC-AVI and any proposed update thereto [Ian] | 1105 |
6.3 | Oral report | Scope of SC-AVI Chair’s progress report to SERCOM MG [Ian] | 1120 |
6.5 | PPT. 6.5 | 2022 schedule of SC-AVI quarterly video/teleconferences [Greg] | 1125 |
Break | 1130 | ||
6.4 | PPT. 6.4 | 2022 and 2023 meetings/events of relevance to SC-AVI [Greg] | 1145 |
7.1 |
Doc. 7.1 (in-session) |
Summary of actions or decisions arising from SC-AVI-2 [Greg] | 1200 |
7.2 |
Doc. 7.2 (in-session) |
Summary of decisions or recommendations for SERCOM-2 arising from SC-AVI-2 [Greg] | 1225 |
8. Any Other Business | 1250 | ||
9. Next Meeting | 1305 | ||
10. Closure of the Meeting | 1315 |
ADDENDUM: Thursday 27 April 2022, 2100-2359 UTC
Agenda Item | Doc./INF/Other | Title | Timing (UTC) |
-- | -- | Opening [Ian] | 2100 |
3.6 |
Doc. 3.6 plus Attachment containing LTP update Draft A: [Tracked-changes] .docx | .pdf |
(Continued from Sessions 1 and 4) Task Team on the Long-Term Plan for Aeronautical Meteorology (TT-LTP) progress report and proposed update to the Long-Term Plan for Aeronautical Meteorology (LTP-AeM) [Kent & Kaspar] |
2105 |
4.1 |
(Continued from Session 2) Proposed amendment to WMO-No. 49, Volume I and update to WMO-No. 1209 addressing aeronautical meteorological personnel competency and qualification [Kathy-Ann & Andrea] Note, INF. 4.1 provides an overview of the feedback from the Capacity Development Panel (CDP) Note, XLS. 4.1(1) and XLS. 4.1(2) provide consolidated feedback from SC-AVI members on WMO-No. 49, Volume I and WMO-No. 1209 respectively Note, PPT. 4.1 provides an ET-ETC response to the consolidated feedback on WMO-No. 49, Volume I and WMO-No. 1209 given in XLS. 4.1(1) and XLS. 4.1(2) respectively |
2200 | |
4.4 |
Doc. 4.4(2) [NEW] |
(Continued from Sessions 3 and 4) Discontinuation of WMO-No. 49, Volume II and potential consequential amendments or updates [Greg] |
2255 |
-- | -- | Any other business and close [Ian] | 2350 |
Final Report
The final report of the SC-AVI-2 meeting is available here.
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