Aviation | News | 2022-08-10 | REGISTER NOW for a WMO and Met Office Aviation Meteorology Training Seminar in partnership with the Bureau of Meteorology and MetService
Updated: 24 September 2022. Registration is now closed. Links have been deactivated.
The United Kingdom Met Office (UKMO), in partnership with the Australian Bureau of Meteorology (BoM) and the New Zealand Meteorological Service (MetService) will convene Aviation Meteorology Training Seminars online from 8 to 10 November 2022. The seminars are being organized in close collaboration with the WMO Commission for Weather, Climate, Water and Related Environmental Services and Applications (SERCOM) Standing Committee on Services for Aviation (SC-AVI) Expert Team on Education, Training and Competency (ET-ETC).
The aim of the online seminars is to provide participants with training, guidance and practical examples of several key aspects of meteorology and forecasting for aviation. The seminars will focus on the topics of:
- cloud base and visibility at aerodromes,
- volcanic eruptions and volcanic ash in the atmosphere, and
- icing conditions in en-route airspace.
The online seminars will be of greatest benefit to operational aeronautical meteorological forecasters and trainers.
WMO has invited Members in Regional Associations I (Africa), II (Asia), V (South-West Pacific) and VI (Europe) to nominate potential participants by 24 September 2022. A shortlisting and selection of experts from amongst the nominations received will be made, with priority given to those from developing or least developed countries and with due consideration given to regional and gender balance to the extent practicable. It is anticipated that up to 30 experts will be selected from amongst the nominations received from Members in RA I and RA VI (combined) and up to 30 experts will be selected from amongst the nominations received from Members in RA II and RA V (combined).
Read the WMO Semi-Circular Letter announcement on these online seminars here: English | French | Spanish | Russian | Arabic | Chinese
The Nomination Form (English only) is available online here using Microsoft Forms until 24 September 2022. Not more than 3 nominations will be accepted from each country.
In addition to the Nomination Form, a letter endorsing each nominee (or group of nominees) should be sent by the Permanent Representative to WMO via email not later than 24 September 2022.
In view of the online nature of these seminars, it is essential that participants have necessary and appropriate access to the public internet, including sufficient bandwidth capacity. A series of pre-recorded presentations, discussion forums and other relevant resource materials will be made available to participants in advance of the seminars via a dedicated Moodle training portal. Participants are expected to view and interact with the resource materials in advance and to discuss the topics presented during the online seminars. The working language of the seminars and the resource materials will be English only. It is therefore essential that nominated participants have a good understanding of the English language.
Please contact the WMO Secretariat, Services for Aviation Division (email: aviation@wmo.int) if you have any questions.
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