6th Hydrological Advisers Forum Region IV
The 6th Hydrological Advisers Forum for Regional Association IV - North America, Central America & the Caribbean, was held by videoconference on 2 December 2022. The meeting was chaired by Mr José Alberto Zúñiga, Regional Hydrological Adviser, together with country's Hydrological Advisers, Permanent representatives and WMO Secretariat.
Agenda (EN)
(All times in CET)
1. Welcome (16.00 - 16.05)
2. Outputs of Regional Hydrological Coordination Panel RA-IV HCP-03 (16.05 - 16.20)
2.1. Follow-up to the Regional Action Plan (16.20 - 16.35)
3. Follow-up to SERCOM-2 and INFCOM-2 decisions (16.35 - 17.00)
4. Strengthening seasonal hydrological forecasting in Central America - Project updates (17.00 - 17.20)
5. Any Other Business (17.20 - 17.40)
6. Questions (17.40 - 17.55)
Agenda (ES)
(Tiempos en CET)
1. Bienvenida (16.00 - 16.05)
2. Resultados de Panel de Coordinación Hidrológica Regional RA-IV HCP 03 (16.05 - 16.20)
2.1 Seguimiento al Plan de Acción Regional (16.20 - 16.35)
3. Seguimiento a las decisiones de SERCOM-2 e INFCOM-2 (16.35 - 17.00)
4. Proyecto de fortalecimiento de pronóstico hidrológico para la implementación de HydroSOS en Centroamérica (17.00 - 17.20)
5. Otros Asuntos (17.20 - 17.40)
6. Intercambio (17.40 - 17.55)