11th Meeting of the Standing Committee on Hydrological Services (SC-HYD)
The 11th Meeting of the Standing Committee on Hydrological Services was held on Wednesday, 21 September 2022 from 12 pm to 2 pm (Geneva time)

1. Welcome remarks (5 mins)
2. Adoption of the Agenda (5 mins) - Yuri Simonov
3. Follow-up from SC-HYD 10 (60 min)
a. Finalize responsibilities (updated workplan) – Yuri
b. Updates from activity leads – All
c. Link to WMO SOP 2024-2027 – Giacomo
4. SERCOM-2 preparations (30 min) – Giacomo
5. Any other business (10 min)
6. Next steps - 10 min (all)