RGB Workshops

RGB Workshops

RGB* compositing techniques offer the possibility of compressing multi­spectral information content for optimum visualization, while at the same time preserving pattern and texture of cloud and surface features as well as continuity in the time domain. Thus, this technique is of great help for operational users such as forecasters, including specific applications such as the identification of snow cover, the location of stratus/fog conditions, the detection of volcanic ash and many others. Developing a harmonized approach to RGB compositing practices would stimulate the exchange of experience between operational users, sharing of products and tools and would facilitate training efforts.

RGB Workshop are the events organized by WMO in collaboration with other partners to review and document RGB composite standards with the measurement capabilities of new-generation imager, share use cases and lessons learned of RGBs using new-generation imagers, demonstrate the value of RGBs in applications (alongside products, NWP), compile guidance documents, and to compile demonstration and training material. Participants include users, developers, and trainers with RGB expertise from internationally.

* RGB (Red-Green-Blue) satellite products (or composites) refer to satellite imagery with the information content of multiple spectral channels mapped against an RGB colour scheme, for optimized visualization while at the same time preserving pattern and texture of atmospheric (e.g., cloud) and surface features, as well as continuity over time.

  • RGB Developers and Users Workshop 2022

The RGB Developers and Users Workshop 2022 was co-hosted by CIRA, NOAA, EUMETSAT, and WMO at CIRA in Fort Collins Colorado from 18 to 20 October 2022. Since 2017, NOAA NWS forecasters have adopted the use of RGB displays from the GOES-16/17 ABI in addition to VIIRS and other platforms, and international colleagues continue to develop new RGBs from instruments such as the Himawari AHI and learn new RGB applications from various platforms. The primary goal of this workshop was to share knowledge on RGB applications and to prepare for the upcoming MTG FCI and EPS-SG Metimage instruments.

  • RGB Experts and Developers Workshop 2017

The RGB Experts and Developers Workshop 2017 was hosted by JMA, EUMETSAT, and WMO on 7-9 November 2017 in Tokyo, Japan, at JMA Headquarters. It was the third in a series of RGB-related community events after 2007 and 2012 which resulted in widely agreed RGB composite standards used in operations, training, and research.  The event had 32 participants from all six WMO Regions. A main objective of the event was to review these standards in view of enhanced next-generation geostationary imagery, such as is now available from Himawari-8 AHI and GOES ABI, and to recognize other advances in data, science, and operational practice.

  • WMO/EUMETSAT Workshop on RGB Satellite Products 2012

The WMO/EUMETSAT Workshop on RGB Satellite Products was held 17-19 September 2012 in the Lufthansa Training and Conference Centre in Seeheim, Germany, with 29 participants from all WMO Regions. The event was organized in liaison with, and support to, the WMO-CGMS Virtual Laboratory on Education and Training in Satellite Meteorology (VLab) and the WMO Severe Weather Forecasting Demonstration Project (SWFDP). The workshop involved lectures, discussions and practical exercises by experts and practitioners in the use of RGB satellite products, mostly for nowcasting and short-range forecasting. The meeting also allowed for revisiting recommendations on global standards for RGB composite satellite imagery developed in 2007.

  • RGB Composite Satellite Imagery Workshop 2007

The first RGB Composite Satellite Imagery Workshop was hosted in Boulder, Colorado, the United States on 5th June 2007. The CBS OPAG­IOS Expert Team on Satellite Utilization and Products (ET­SUP) discussed this topic during its first session in October 2005 and recommended that a workshop to consider standards for RGB composite imagery should be held.

General Background Information

Final Report of 2022 Workshop

Final Report of 2017 Workshop

Final Report of 2012 Workshop

Final Report of 2007 Workshop