WMO-CIMSS Forecaster Training on Satellite Meteorology Data and Applications

Dates and Time

18-19 September 2024  09:00 - 18:00 (UTC+5)


The seminar is to be held at the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University

The seminar will be conducted face-to-face in English.

For more information, please contact Ms Natalia Donoho at: ndonoho@wmo.int.

Provisional agenda


Morning Session 1

Introduction to satellite meteorology

·       Electromagnetic Spectrum

·       Visible / Microwave / IR channels

·       Geostationary and polar orbits

·       Geostationary satellites Meteosat 8, Meteosat 11, Himawari 8, Himawari 9

·       Polar orbiting satellites JPSS, MetOp, etc.


Morning Session 2

Laboratory Exercise: Introduction to SSEC RealEarth

·       Loading, displaying, interrogating data

·       Saving and sharing imagery


Afternoon Session 1:  Clouds and precipitation

·       Cloud formation and dissipation

·       Cloud characteristics and cloud products

·       Precipitation products

·       Laboratory activity:  cloud analysis


Afternoon Session 2: Fires

·       Fire science

·       Fire detection from satellite

·       Laboratory activity: fires from satellite

DAY 2:

Morning Session 1: Floods

·       Hydrology and flood science

River flooding and flash flooding

·       Flood detection from satellite

·       Laboratory activity: floods from satellite


Morning Session 2:  Severe convection

·       Severe weather science

·       Atmospheric stability

·       Severe weather signatures on satellite

·       Laboratory activity: severe weather


Afternoon Session 1:  Other topics

·       Volcanic ash

·       Dust

·       Satellite-based thermodynamic profiles

·       Laboratory activity: dust


Afternoon Session 2:  Summary and Wrap-up

·       How can we support your needs?