GCW Data Requirements Workshop
Global Cryosphere Watch (GCW) Data Requirements Workshop
Updated on 10 February 2025
Provisional list of participants
Working arrangements and practical information for participants
Setting the Stage:
WIS2 Regulations, architecture and access to data, Remy Giraud
WIS2: Climate Data Management – current status and goals, David Berry
GCOS Implementation Plan 2022 - The goal of establishing GCOS Data centres, Caterina Tassone
Arctic PASSION - Bring data into action and linkages with WMO GCW, Øystein Godøy
MeteoIO as a data publication service in the context of Arctic PASSION and WMO GCW, Mathias Bavay (SLF)
Science and Policy Drivers:
Cryosphere Observations: Research Contributions to Services, the Mountain Research Initiative, Maria Shagedenova
The mountian cryosphere in a changing climate: a view from within seience-policy, Carolina Adler
Pressing Issues in Cryospheric Sciences: Scientific Themes and New Results from Cryosphere 2022, Karen Alley
Ice sheets in models and data, Ruth Mottram
IPY as a driver for polar data management, Øystein Godøy
Current experiences and needs:
PANGAEA - Data publisher for earth and environmental science, Janine Felden
National Tibetan Plateau/Third Pole Environment Data Center (TPDC), Baohong Ding
Cryospheric Observation and Data Center in NIEER, CAS, Xinyue Zhong (NIEER, CAS)
ECMWF current experiences and challenges, Emma Pidduck
Global Terrestrial Network for Permafrost (GTN-P) – The New Data Platform, Tillmann Lubker (GTN-P)
Research Board: Task Team on Data Exchange with the Research Sector (TT DERS), Regina Yulia Yasmin
In-person: WMO Headquarters, 7bis, avenue de la Paix, Geneva. Meeting room: Lake 7 at floor 7.
Online connection – to be communicated by email.
Working Schedule:
Start: 9 December 2024, at 09:00 – Central European Time.
End: 11 December 2024, at 17:30 – Central European Time.
Local Contact:
Rodica NITU rnitu@wmo.int
Ran ZHANG rzhang@wmo.int