RA II: RBON Implementation Workshop

Workshop Information

Purpose of the workshop: The purpose of the Workshop is to discuss the key activities of the Regional Basic Observing Network establishment in Regional Association II (RA II), review and finalize available documents that should be prepared in advance, through the series of teleconferences and activities of ET-WIGOS, and provide advice on key issues that implementers of RBON design may face. Among five key regional weather, climate, water and other environmental challenges for RBON design already approved by RA II Management Group, the workshop will address in particular heavy rainfall and tropical cyclones/typhoons, structure a pilot project to be followed by other RAs, identify missing guidance, and arrange for their development.

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Workshop Agenda

Monday, 17 February 2025

Time (HKT)ItemTopicSpeaker/Lead
1. Opening and introduction 
Chairs: HKO and RAP
08:30 - 09:00Registration
09:00 - 09:101.1Welcome note from PR of Hong Kong, China (10')Prof. CHAN Pak-wai
09:10 - 09:201.2Welcome note from P-RA II (10')Abullah Al-Khadouri
09:20 - 09:301.3Welcome note from WMO (10')WMO Secretariat
09:30 - 09:35Group photo
09:35 - 09:551.4Introduction, purpose of workshop and expected outcomes (20')Lijuan SHI
09:55 - 10:251.5What can we bring to RA II RBON? What can RA II RBON bring to us? (30')Prof. CHAN Pak-wai
10:25 - 10:301.6Local arrangements (10')Olivia Shuk-ming LEE
10:30 - 11:00Coffee/tea break
2. RBON Implementation - background 
Chairs: Lijuan SHI and Krunoslav Premec
11:00 - 11:302.1RBON-related technical regulations and guidance material (30')Krunoslav Premec (Secretariat)
11:30 - 11:502.2RA II RBON-related decision, held and planned meetings (20')Yongqing Chen (Secretariat)
11:50 - 12:102.3EW4All in RA II (20')WG-S Chair, Qingliang ZHOU (CMA) - online
12:10 - 12:302.4RA II WIGOS Operating plan and challenges (20')WG-I Chair, Yoshiaki SATO (JMA) - online
12:30 - 14:00Lunch break
14:00 - 14:202.5RBON design process and activities of ET-EOSDE (20')Erik ANDERSSON - online
14:20 - 14:402.6RBON design and implementation in RA II (20')Lijuan SHI
14:40 - 15:002.7RBON design and implementation in RA V (20')Regina Yulia YASMIN
15:00 - 15:152.8WIGOS Tools for GBON (WDQMS, OSCAR/Surface) - what could work for RBON (15')ET-WTR Chair, Tanja KLEINERT - online
15:15 - 15:302.9SOFF in RA II (15')Zulkarnain (SOFF Secretariat) - online
15:30 - 16:00Coffee/tea break
3. RBON Key regional challenges 
Chairs: Regina Yulia YASMIN and Daisuke HOTTA
16:00 - 16:103.1Challenges and hazards - introduction (10')Krunoslav Premec (Secretariat)
16:10 - 16:253.2RBON Key challenges of RA II - background (15')Lijuan SHI
16:25 - 16:403.3RBON Key challenges of RA V - background (15')Regina Yulia YASMIN
16:40 - 16:553.4Guidance to identify key challenges (15')Lijuan SHI
16:55 - 17:103.5Alignment of key challenges and priority hazards (15')Daisuke HOTTA
17:10 - 17:303.6Review of Guidance (Chapter 2) and Wrapping up Day 1 (20')Chairs
18:00Workshop Dinner

Tuesday, 18 February 2025

Time (HKT)ItemTopicSpeaker/Lead
4. High-priority observation requirements 
Chairs: Seiyoung PARK and Wai Kin WONG
09:00 - 09:204.1Guidance on mapping the key challenges/priority hazards with the Application Areas (AA) (20')Seiyoung PARK
09:20 - 09:404.2Identification of the top-level high-priority (key) variables - guidance (20')Wai Kin WONG
09:40 - 10:004.3Identification of regional requirements for identified top-level high-priority (key) variables (20')Jianxia GUO
10:00 - 10:304.4Regional requirements for Heavy Rainfall (30')Daisuke HOTTA
10:30 - 11:00Coffee/tea break
11:00 - 11:204.5Regional requirements for Tropical Cyclone (20')Kun ZHAO
11:20 - 11:404.6Typhoon filed campaign (EXOTICCA) - possible contribution to RBON (20')Johnny CHAN
11:40 - 12:004.7TPRCC-Network requirements on RBON for implementation of Cryosphere-related services (20')Lijuan MA (CMA) - online
12:00 - 12:304.8Review of Guidance (Chapters 3 and 4) and Wrapping up Day 2 (30')Chairs
12:30 - 14:00Lunch
14:00 - 17:30Study tour - visiting HKO

Wednesday, 19 February 2025

Time (HKT)ItemTopicSpeaker/Lead
5. Observing capabilities, and gap analysis 
Chairs: Regina Yulia YASMIN and HAGIYA Satoshi
09:00 - 09:305.1Guidance on identification of the main observing technologies (30')HAGIYA Satoshi
09:30 - 10:005.2Satellite capabilities to address RBON requirements (30')Kotaro BESSHO (ET-SOA) - online
10:00 - 10:305.3Aircraft-based observations - support to RBON (30')Yiu-Fai LEE
10:30 - 11:00Coffee/tea break
11:00 - 11:305.4Radar network initiative in RA II - possible support to RBON (30')Hiroaki MINEMATSU
11:30 - 12:005.5Gulf radar network - support to RBON (30')Karel DE WAAL - online
12:00 - 12:305.6Ocean observational requirements and data exchange to address RBON requirements (30')Scott GLENN
12:30 - 14:00Lunch
5. Observing capabilities, and gap analysis (cont.) 
Chairs: Yongqing CHEN and GUO Jianxia
14:00 - 14:305.7Overview of CMA observing networks that could contribute to RBON (30')Jianxia GUO
14:30 - 15:005.8Overview of JMA observing networks that could contribute to RBON (30')HAGIYA Satoshi
15:00 - 15:305.9Guidance on how to do capabilities assessment (Chapter 5) (30')Lijuan SHI
15:30 - 16:00Coffee/tea break
16:00 - 16:205.10Guidance on how to do gap analysis (Chapter 6) (20')Regina Yulia YASMIN
16:20 - 16:405.11Guidance on how to address the criteria for station seletion (Chapter 7) (20')HAGIYA Satoshi
16:40 - 17:005.12Process for the assignment of stations (Chapter 8) (20')Lijuan SHI
17:00 - 17:205.13Guidance on how to address the National/Regional plans for RBON evolution (Chapter 8) (20')Regina Yulia YASMIN
17:20 - 17:305.14Wrapping up Day 3 (10')Chairs

Thursday, 20 February 2025

Time (HKT)ItemTopicSpeaker/Lead
6. RBON data exchange 
Chairs: Olivia Shuk-ming LEE and Rémy GIRAUD
09:00 - 09:306.1Introduction to WIS 2.0 (30')Rémy GIRAUD
09:30 - 10:006.2RBON data exchange - challenges and opportunities (30')Rémy GIRAUD
10:00 - 10:306.3Requirements for radar data exchange (30')Daniel MICHELSON (ET-OWR) - online
10:30 - 11:00Coffee/tea break
7. Review and finalization of the available guidance documents 
Chairs: Seiyoung PARK and HAGIYA Satoshi
11:00 - 12:307.1

Review and finalization of (90'):

12:30 - 14:00Lunch
8. RBON Roadmap 
Chairs: Lijuan SHI and Krunoslav Premec
14:00 - 14:308.1Possible ways for interaction with stakeholders (30')Lijuan SHI
14:30 - 15:008.2RA II requirements for compliance monitoring and assessment tools to support RBON implementation and evolution (30')Olivia Shuk-ming LEE
15:00 - 15:308.3RA II RBON Implementation Roadmap (30')Lijuan SHI/Krunoslav Premec
15:30 - 16:00Coffee/tea break
9. Summary and closing 
Chairs: Lijuan SHI and Krunoslav Premec
16:00 - 17:009.1Final discussion and summary of the Workshop recommendations (60')Lijuan SHI/Krunoslav Premec
17:00 - 17:159.2Closure of the Workshop (30')HKO and RAP

Local Arrangements

Please see the following RA-II-RBONwkshp_local_arrangements.pdf - updated on 14 Feb 2025.