NEW: WMO Survey on Non-Catchment Instruments for Precipitation Measurements
In its third session from April 2024, the WMO Commission for Observation, Infrastructure and Information Systems (INFCOM) endorsed a decision for Members to share results from experiments on on non-catchment instruments (NCIs) and consider contributions to a formal intercomparison study.
Based on this decision, the task of organizing an intercomparison study was assigned to the WMO Standing Committee on Measurements, Instrumentation and Traceability (SC-MINT) Expert Team on Surface and Sub-surface measurements (ET-SSM) in their work plan for the next intersession period (2024-2026).
ET-SSM is conducting an international survey to understand Member requirements for NCIs and the scope of their current and planned use.
This survey will inform the approach for the intercomparison study, providing Members with an opportunity to help shape the direction and focus of the study.
The survey is available in the link below:
The deadline to fill in the survey is February 10, since the information you will provide will be used during the first project meeting, scheduled for mid-February.