RGB Experts and Developers Workshop (1-3 April 2025)
RGB Experts and Developers Workshop
co-hosted by SMHI, EUMETSAT and WMO
1-3 April 2025
SMHI, Norrköping, Sweden
Workshop objectives:
Consolidate contemporary GEO-ring RGB composite standards and publish them in a workshop Report
Identify novel RGB products
Demonstrate applications RGBs using new-generation imagers (eg FCI)
Identification of common platforms to share the RGB recipes and related material
Day 1:
Time | Discussion items | Contributor |
09:00-09:15 | Welcoming Remarks and Logistics | SMHI |
09:15-09:45 | Purpose and Scope of Meeting: Setting the scene | Stephan Bojinski, |
09:45-10:15 | Overview of RGB composite recipes, applications, limitations | Maria Putsay, |
| 15’ Coffee break | |
10:30-12:30 | New application findings for well-established RGBs (10’+5’): | |
| Regional use of Himawari RGBs | Bodo Zeschke |
RGB applications at CMA | Jian Lu | |
FCI cases in the Middle East region | Ibrahim Al Abdul Salam | |
Operational FCI RGBs over South Africa | Kanyisa Makubalo | |
First experiences with the FCI Dust and Cloud Phase RGB | Jochen Kerkmann | |
FCI Dust RGB perspectives | Djordje Gencic | |
Getting accustomed to the new FCI RGBs | MeteoFrance | |
RGBs in a testbeds for US weather offices | Chris Smith | |
RGBs for monitoring of mid-latitude weather systems | Luciano Vidal | |
RGB products in high-impact cases | Regina Ito, Diego Souza | |
12:30-13:30 | Lunch break | |
13:30-15:30 | Novel RGB developments and RGB enhancements (10’+5’):
| |
Plans for Himawari-10, novel RGB composites | Akihiro Shimizu | |
Niche RGBs developed at CIRA and at NOAA | Curtis Seaman | |
RGBs constructed from observations and products | Andrew Heidinger | |
Demonstrating the power of the TPW RGB | HansPeter Roesli | |
Different concepts for FCI solar RGBs | Ivan Smiljanic | |
New RGB products development or RGB tuning | MeteoFrance | |
New FCI, synthetic NWP RTTOV and Future IRS RGBs. | Miguel-Angel Martinez | |
Corrections and enhancements in True/GeoColour RGB | Johan Strandgren | |
| 15’ Coffee break | |
15:45-17:00 | Major challenges per each RGB – Intro | Ivan Smiljanic, Maria Putsay |
| Name limitations or ‘This RGB also detects _X_ and it is very useful’ | Bernie Connell |
Day 2:
Time | Discussion items | Contributor |
09:00-09:15 | Instructions and break-out room division | Facilitators |
10:15-11:15 | (Expert presentations +) Group discussions: RGB standardisation per/across sensor/s: recipes, names and enhancements
| All |
| 15’ Coffee break | |
11:30-12:30 | Reporting out to Plenary | Rapporteurs |
12:30-13:30 | Lunch break | |
13:30-15:45 | (Expert presentations +) Group discussions: RGB standardisation per/across sensor/s: recipes, names and enhancements | All |
| 15’ Coffee break | |
15:45-17:00 | Reporting out to Plenary | Rapporteurs
Day 3:
Time | Discussion items | Contributor |
09:00-09:15 | Instructions and break-out room division | Facilitators |
09:15-11:15 | Group discussions: RGB standardisation per/across sensor/s: recipes, names and enhancements | All |
| 15’ Coffee break | |
11:30-12:30 | Reporting out to Plenary | Rapporteurs
12:30-13:30 | Lunch break | |
13:30-14:00 | Implementing the RGB standards | Martin Raspaud |
| Training repositories: Quick guides, Extended Guides, RGB tool, Jupyter Notebooks, Self-learning modules, Other guidance
| All |
| 15’ Coffee break | |
15:00-16:00 | Display systems and tools – news and updates: AWIPS, GEarth, RAMMS Slider, Pytroll/Satpy, SIFT, EUMETView, other | All |
15:00-16:00 | Draft Meeting Report and Recommendations | Heikki, Bernie |