
Of the three core projects in the WWRP IP for 2016-2023, the High Impact Weather project is the last to conclude in 2024. Under the New Implementation Plan (2024 - 2027), the WWRP will launch new projects which have been listed below.





High Impact Weather Project

(through 2024)

Purpose: The High Impact Weather Project (HIWeather) is a ten-year activity within the World Weather Research Programme and aims to promote cooperative international research to achieve a dramatic increase in resilience to high-impact weather, worldwide, through improving forecasts for timescales of minutes to two weeks and enhancing their communication and utility in social, economic and environmental applications.

Co-chairs: Dr Brian Golding ( and Dr Sally Potter (

For more information and updates please visit the official HiWeather website and view the video. 

Integrated Prediction of Precipitation and Hydrology for Early Actions (InPRHA)

(2024 - 2028)

Purpose: This project will focus on the shorter time scales (minutes to days), and the advancement of warning strategies associated with multi-hazards and their interdependencies that affect the water cycle. It seeks to enhance socio-hydrometeorology through dynamic interactions between weather, water, people and citizen science. 

Co-Chairs: Ms Rachel Hogan Carr ( and Dr Celine Cattoën-Gilbert ( 

Steering Group: Dr Ruben Imhoff, Dr Jan Polcher, Dr Gyuwon Lee, Mr James Bennett, Mr Everisto Mapedza, Dr Vincent Fortin, Dr Yali Luo, Dr Andrea Taylor, Dr Thara Prabhakaran, Dr Erin Dougherty, Mr Luca Rossi and Mr Jose Valles

Website: Pending. 

Polar Coupled Analysis & Prediction for Services (PCAPS)

(2024 - 2028)

Purpose: Building on the success of Polar Prediction Project, the project aims at improving Earth system models, and evolving climate in the Arctic and Antarctica regions ​by using novel observations and data assimilation, to represent the air-ocean-ice interactions at (sub) km-scale ​to predict impacts relevant to local inhabitants. 

Co-Chairs: Dr Daniela Liggett ( and Dr Jørn Kristiansen (

Steering Group: Dr Gita Ljubicic, Dr Andrew Orr, Dr Clare Earys, Dr Gunilla Svensson, Dr Paola Rodriguez Imazio, Dr Phillip Browne, Ms Victoria Heinrich, Dr Barbara Casati, Dr Machial Lamers, Dr David Bromwich, Dr Hanne Nielsen and Dr Jelmer Jeuring

Website: Pending. 

Sub-seasonal to seasonal Applications for Agriculture and Environment (SAGE)

(2024 - 2028)

Purpose: Building on the successes of the Sub-seasonal to seasonal project, the project aims to improve operational products, sub-seasonal prediction skills and understanding sources of predictability ​to communicate appropriate actions under uncertainty​​and determine where forecasts will or will not exhibit skill for extreme weather.

Co-Chairs: Dr Victor Marchezini ( and Dr Steve Woolnough (

Steering Group: Dr Rachel Lowe, Dr Emma Hudson-Doyle, Dr Marisol Osman, Dr Dewald van Niekerk, Dr Roger Stone, Dr Arun Kumar, Dr Yuhei Takaya, Dr Parthasarathi Mukhopadhyay, Dr Ziqiang Han, Dr Masilin Gudoshava and Dr Cristiana Stan 

Website: Pending. 

Progressing EW4All Oriented to Partnerships and Local Engagement (PEOPLE)

(2024 - 2028)

Purpose: Building on insights from previous projects, PEOPLE will recognize the elements of an effectively expanded Early Warning System (EWS) and analyze the structural and social processes needed to support this. It will acknowledge cultural and knowledge systems as well as governance dimensions, focusing on science for and with policy and practice.

Co-Chairs: Dr Coleen Vogel ( and Dr Subho Samaddar (

Steering Group: Dr Marion Tan, Dr Carla Mooney, Dr Joanne Robbins, Dr Debra Roberts, Mr Juan Pablo Oliva Hernández, Mr Eddie Edjenga, Dr Fatima Akter, Dr Kendra Gotangco, Dr Andrea Taylor and Dr Tek Maraseni.

Website: Pending.

Urban Prediction RDP 

(2025 - 2029)

Purpose: Building on the successes of the High Impact Weather project, the project aims at developing applications and evaluating sub-kilometre modelling techniques for vulnerable communities​ and advancing the concept of digital cities as a companion to initiatives like Digital Earth and Digital Twins. 

Co-Chairs: Dr Fei Chen ( and Dr Soledad Garcia Ferrari (

Website: Pending.

Aiding Decision-making in Vulnerable Africa with Nowcasting of ConvEction (ADVANCE)

(2023 - 2027)

Purpose: Aligning with the needs expressed by African member states to utilize satellite data optimally​​ by emphasizing geostationary satellite products for nowcasting purposes​ and installing and developing nowcasting products for sharing with neighbouring countries.

Endorsed Project: Weather and Climate Information Services (WISER) - Early Warning for Southern Africa (EWSA)