RRR - Earth System Application Categories and Application Areas
No. | Earth System Application Category (ESAC) | Application Area (AA) | Point of Contact (PoC) | Authority ("owner") |
1 | Space Weather ApplicationsCoordinator: Larisa Trichtchenkolarisa.trichtchenko@gmail.comOwner: INFCOM/SC-ON/ET-SWx | 1.1 Sun, Heliosphere and Solar Wind Forecasting and Monitoring | Joaquim Eduardo Rezende Costajoaquim.costa@inpe.br | INFCOM/SC-ON/ET-SWxContact:larisa.trichtchenko@gmail.com
1.2 Energetic Particle and Magnetosphere Forecasting and Monitoring | Sergio Dassosergio.dasso@gmail.com | INFCOM/SC-ON/ET-SWxContact:larisa.trichtchenko@gmail.com | ||
1.3 Ionosphere, Thermosphere and Geomagnetic Field Forecasting and Monitoring | Kirsti Kauristie (temporary)Kirsti.Kauristie@fmi.fi | INFCOM/SC-ON/ET-SWxContact:larisa.trichtchenko@gmail.com | ||
2 | Atmospheric ApplicationsCoordinator: Erik Anderssonerik.andersson@ecmwf.intOwner: ET-EOSDE in collaboration with INFCOM/SC-WIPPS and with RB | 2.1 Global NWP and Real-time Monitoring | Kozo Okamotokokamoto@mri-jma.go.jp | ET-EOSDE in collab. w/ INFCOM/SC-WIPPSContact:erik.andersson@ecmwf.int |
2.2 High-Resolution NWP | Magnus Lindskogmagnus.lindskog@smhi.se | ET-EOSDE in collab. w/ INFCOM/SC-WIPPSContact:erik.andersson@ecmwf.int | ||
2.3 Nowcasting / Very Short Range Forecasting (VSRF) | Aitor Atencia Ruiz de Gopeguiaitor.atencia@geosphere.at | INFCOM/SC-WIPPS/ET-OWFSContact:ken.mylne@metoffice.gov.uk | ||
2.4 Sub-Seasonal to Longer Predictions (SSLP) | Jeff Knightjeff.knight@metoffice.gov.uk | INFCOM/SC-WIPPS/ET-OCPSContact:jeff.knight@metoffice.gov.uk | ||
2.5 Atmospheric Climate Monitoring | Caterina Tassonectassone@wmo.int | GCOS/AOPC in collab. w/ INFCOM/SC-WIPPSContact:peter.thorne@mu.ie | ||
2.6 Atmospheric Composition Forecasting and Monitoring | Richard Eckmanrichard.s.eckman@nasa.gov | RB/EPAC SSC/ET-ACNDEContact: richard.s.eckman@nasa.gov | ||
2.7 Atmospheric Composition Information Services in Urban and Populated Areas | Richard Eckmanrichard.s.eckman@nasa.gov | RB/EPAC SSC/ET-ACNDEContact: richard.s.eckman@nasa.gov | ||
2.8 Aeronautical Meteorology | Yui-Fai Leeyflee@hko.gov.hk | SERCOM/SC-AVIContact:Ian.Lisk@metoffice.gov.uk | ||
2.9 Agricultural Meteorology | Robert Stefanskirstefanski@wmo.int | SERCOM/SC-AGRContact:rstefanski@wmo.int | ||
3 | Oceanic ApplicationsCoordinator: Emma Heslope.heslop@unesco.orgOwner: GOOS in collaboration SERCOM/SC-MMO, AG-Ocean to be consulted | 3.1 Ocean Forecasting and Real-Time Monitoring | Hao Zuohao.zuo@ecmwf.int | OOPC, in collaboration with GOOS/ETOOFS, INFCOMContact:sabrina.speich@lmd.ipsl.fr |
3.2 Coastal Forecasting | Laura Tuomilaura.tuomi@fmi.fi | SERCOM/SC-MMOContact:swail@rogers.com | ||
3.3 Oceanic Climate Monitoring and Services | Belén Martín Míguezbmartinmiguez@wmo.int | OOPC, in collaboration with GCOS, and SERCOMContact:sabrina.speich@lmd.ipsl.fr | ||
3.4 Tsunami Monitoring and Detection | Yuji Nishimaenishimae@met.kishou.go.jp | IOC/TOWS-WG, SERCOM/SC-MMOContact: srinivas@incois.gov.in | ||
3.5 Marine Environmental Emergency Response | Graigory SutherlandGraigory.Sutherland@ec.gc.ca | SERCOM/SC-MMOContact:oyvindb@met.no | ||
3.6 Maritime Safety (ports to open ocean) | Anish Hebbarah@wmu.se | SERCOM/SC-MMOContact:dpxcarvalho@gmail.com | ||
3.7 Ocean Biogeochemical Cycles | Maciej Telszweskim.telszewski@ioccp.org | GOOS BGC Expert Panel (IOCCP)Contact: tbd | ||
4 | Hydrological & Terrestrial ApplicationsCoordinator:TBDOwner: SERCOM/SC-HYD in collaboration with INFCOM/XXX(TBD) | 4.1 Hydrological Forecasting and Real-Time Monitoring | Emmanuel Brocardemmanuel.brocard@bafu.admin.ch | SERCOM/SC-HYD in collab. w/ INFCOM/SC-WIPPS/ET-OHPS,Contact: |
4.2 Hydrological and Terrestrial Climate Monitoring | Antonio Bombelliabombelli@wmo.int | GCOS/TOPC in collab. w/ GTN-HContact:herold@gfz-potsdam.de;dietrich@bafg.de | ||
5 | Cryospheric ApplicationsCoordinator: Jeff Keyjeff.key@noaa.govOwner: INFCOM/AG-GCW | 5.1 Terrestrial Cryosphere Forecasting and Monitoring | tbd | INFCOM/AG-GCWContact:jeff.key@noaa.gov |
5.2 Sea-Ice Forecasting and Monitoring | Jeff Keyjeff.key@noaa.gov | INFCOM/AG-GCWContact:jeff.key@noaa.gov | ||
5.3 Cryospheric Climate Monitoring | tbd | INFCOM/AG-GCW in collab. w/ GCOS/TOPC, OOPCContact:jeff.key@noaa.gov | ||
6 | Integrated Earth System ApplicationsCoordinator: David Richardsondavid.richardson@ecmwf.intOwner: INFCOM/SC-WIPPS | 6.1 Earth System Forecasting and Monitoring | Vijay Tallapragadavijay.tallapragada@noaa.gov | INFCOM/SC-WIPPS and RBContact:david.richardson@ecmwf.int |
6.2 Understanding Earth System Processes | tbd | RB/WWRP in collab. w/ WCRP and GCOSContact: tbd |
Explanatory notes:
Each Application Area considers its requirements for observations, not only for operational activities but also for the research that will enable its future activities and evolving usage of observations. Application Area “6.2 Understanding Earth System processes” considers the requirements for observations of all WMO research activities not covered in any other Application Area;
The list of Application Areas is intended to include all WMO uses of observations where it is practicable to collect observational user requirements with a community of experts behind; it needs to be checked periodically and updated accordingly;
The Atmospheric Composition and Agricultural Meteorology application areas, numbered 2.6, 2.7 and 2.9, have some activities which may have an affinity with other Categories. Each application area may consider whether to split into components to belong in different Categories, in the way that Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Monitoring are split into different Categories;
Application area 5.1 “Terrestrial Cryosphere Forecasting and Monitoring” includes snow, glaciers and permafrost, ice caps, glaciers;
Application area 5.2 includes glaciers;
Application area 6.1 deals with the Integrated Earth System, including all domain interfaces between components of the Integrated Earth System;
Earth System Application Categories are intended to provide groupings of Application Areas of similar types which have related disciplines and professional communities. The concept is not directly based on having common geographical domains; it is intended to provide a pragmatic and workable approach that will enable groups of applications with similar needs for observations to collaborate in preparing their joint SoG on priorities for evolving the capabilities of WIGOS observing systems;
The Integrated Earth System, in accordance with the WMO Strategic Plan 2020-2023, is considered as an integrated system of atmosphere, ocean, cryosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere and geosphere;
An Application Area can belong to only one Category. If an application has two or more components that are so different from each other that they are best located in different Categories, and cannot be considered collectively as an Integrated Earth System Application, then they must have distinct names. Examples of this are provided by the components of Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Monitoring;
In any case, the relevant applications community should lead the management of their Application Area/s (creation, naming, deletion);
The “Ownership” of each Application Area is important because the owner has authority and responsibility to create, name, delete and nominate their PoC, for the specification of observation requirements, and for contributions to the Statement of Guidance (SoG);