RRR - Terms of Reference for Points of Contact (PoCs) and Coordinators

In the framework of the WMO Earth System approach, several Application Areas are grouped together in each of the six Earth System Application Categories. The RRR process calls for the Points of Contact (PoCs) in each of these groupings to work together as a team of experts to prepare a SoG, under the leadership of a Coordinator. The PoC for each Application Area has the very important role of compiling input and feedback from the entire stakeholder community for that Application Area, developing a consensus view of their requirements for observations and documenting this in the OSCAR/Requirements database.

PoC and Coordinators play vital roles in the RRR process and their Terms of Reference are displayed below.

Point of Contact for Application Areas (AA)

  1. Collect, record and maintain observational user requirements of the Application Area in the OSCAR/Requirements database;

  2. Conduct a critical review and gap analysis for the Application Area by comparing observing capabilities with the observational user requirements of the Application Area, as well as by considering the results from impact studies and applying their own expert judgement;

  3. As a representative of the Application Area owner, promote and maintain active and effective communication mechanisms to obtain input and feedback from across the Application Area stakeholder community including in particular Member countries and Regional Associations;

  4. Liaise in her/his work with the body, which is the RRR owner of the Application Area, and seek concurrence of that community with the observational user requirements in OSCAR/Requirements and the result from the critical review and gap analysis;

  5. Provide input to the Coordinator of the Earth System Application Category to which the Application Area belongs, and contribute to the development of that Earth System Application Category SoG, including the critical review;

  6. Respond to requests for information from the JET-EOSDE as needed.

Coordinator for Earth System Application Category (ESAC)

  1. Coordinate with and guide the PoCs of the relevant Application Areas, to obtain their expert contributions to the development of the SoG (gap analysis with recommendations on how to address the gaps) of the Earth System Domain;

  2. As lead author, complete the drafting and submission of the SoG of the Earth System Application Category;

  3. Consult with relevant bodies and respond to requests for information from the JET-EOSDE as needed;

  4. Submit the SoG and future updates to the Chair of the INFCOM Joint Expert Team on Earth Observing System Design and Evolution (JET-EOSDE) for his/her review and submission to the JET-EOSDE for discussion; SoGs are eventually recommended by the Chair of JET-EOSDE and/or the JET-EOSDE meetings to the president of INFCOM, who in consultation with the management group will approve it.